Vol. 23 (2007): Skandinavien och Polen. Möten, relationer och ömsesidig påverkan

Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (red.)

Editorial board: Barbara Törnquist-Plewa & Fiona Björling

ISSN: 0346-8712

ISBN 10: 978-91-976267-1-2

ISBN 13: 91-976267-1-6


Editor's note:

This 23rd volume of Slavica Lundensia contains articles presented at or written in connection with a conference endded "Reiadons and Mutual Cultural Influences between the Nations in the Baltic Sea Region: Focus on Scandinavia and Poland". The conference took place in Lund on 16-17 September 2005 and was organised by the Polish-Scandinavian Research Institute in Copenhagen, the Department of East and Central European Studies at Lund Uni­versity and the Centre for European Studies, Lund University. The purpose of the conference was to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of the Polish-Scandinavian Rese­arch Institute in Copenhagen.


The majority of the articles in this volume concern Polish-Scandinavian relations in the past, while four of them treat contemporary issues. The articles are written in Polish or in Swedish, with one exception of an article in English. Each article is followed by a summary in another language than the main text English, German, Polish or Danish - in order to give readers who do not know Polish, Swedish or Danish the gist of the contents.

Published: 2014-06-02
