
  • Pommern: ett gränsfall i tid och rum
    Vol. 27 (2016)

    Pommern är en fascinerande gränsregion. Under sin långa och brokiga historia beboddes den både av slavisktalande och tysktalande folk, till och från med inslag av skandinaver. Sedan de moderna tyska och polska nationalismernas födelse på 1800-talet har den tyska och polska historieskrivningen om denna region präglats av partiskhet. De oberoende rösterna av forskare utanför de tyska och polska kulturernas kretsar har därför alltid varit välbehövliga, men tyvärr alltför sällsynta.
    Det är en viktig anledning till varför publikationen av detta arbete, författat av den svenska kulturgeografen Thomas Lundén känns angelägen. Slavica Lundensia upplåter sina spalter för denna skrift inte minst för att påminna om det komplexa tysk-polsk-svenska kulturarvet i regionen och betona vikten av att studera gränsområden i en tid som präglas av spänning mellan dem som vill upphäva de nationella gränsernas betydelse och dem som hävdar deras nödvändighet.
  • Polsk – skandinaviska möten Spotkania polsko – skandynawskie
    Vol. 26 (2011)

    Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (red.)


    Syftet med denna volym är att uppmärksamma 25 årsjubileet av bildandet av Polsk-Skandinaviska Institutet – ett vetenskapligt samfund med säte i Köpenhamn. Volymen är tänkt att dokumentera
    och demonstrera den vetenskapliga bredden ifråga om discipliner och forskningsintressen som representeras av institutets medlemmar och medarbetare. Tjugofem år utgör en väsentlig del i en människas liv och likaså i en organisations
    existens. Man kan då tala om ett inträde i en mognadsfas. Polsk-Skandinaviska Institutet - Instytut Polsko-Skandynawski (betecknat med förkortningen IPS) uppstod 1985 när Polen var ett ofritt land. Institutets mål var att föra samman polska och utländska forskare med intresse för att studera kulturella, historiska och nutida relationer mellan Skandinavien och Polen. Med tanke på den censur som då rådde i Polen ville Institutet också stödja en
    fri och oberoende vetenskapsproduktion i Polen bland annat genom finansiell hjälp, detta i samarbete med det Polska Universitetet i Exil (Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie – PUNO) i London. En annan viktig uppgift var att genom information och expertis till utländska forskare och journalister motverka den snedvridna
    bilden av Polens historia och nutid som propagerades av den kommunistiska regimen.

  • The Search for the Modern Identity.Polish Response to Modernity and Europe in the 20th Century
    Vol. 25 (2010)

    Editorial board: Fiona Björling & Barbara Törnquist-Plewa

    Assistant editor: Terho Paulsson

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    ISBN: 978-91-97267-3-6

  • The Arts in Dialogue. Essays in honour of Fiona Björling
    Vol. 24 (2009)

    Johanna Lindbladh (red.)
  • Skandinavien och Polen. Möten, relationer och ömsesidig påverkan
    Vol. 23 (2007)

    Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (red.)

    Editorial board: Barbara Törnquist-Plewa & Fiona Björling

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    ISBN 10: 978-91-976267-1-2

    ISBN 13: 91-976267-1-6


    Editor's note:

    This 23rd volume of Slavica Lundensia contains articles presented at or written in connection with a conference endded "Reiadons and Mutual Cultural Influences between the Nations in the Baltic Sea Region: Focus on Scandinavia and Poland". The conference took place in Lund on 16-17 September 2005 and was organised by the Polish-Scandinavian Research Institute in Copenhagen, the Department of East and Central European Studies at Lund Uni­versity and the Centre for European Studies, Lund University. The purpose of the conference was to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of the Polish-Scandinavian Rese­arch Institute in Copenhagen.


    The majority of the articles in this volume concern Polish-Scandinavian relations in the past, while four of them treat contemporary issues. The articles are written in Polish or in Swedish, with one exception of an article in English. Each article is followed by a summary in another language than the main text English, German, Polish or Danish - in order to give readers who do not know Polish, Swedish or Danish the gist of the contents.

  • Words, Deeds and Values. The Intelligentsia in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
    Vol. 22 (2005)

    Iditorial board: Lars Steensland (General editor)

    Fiona Björling

    Barbara Törnquist-Plewa


    Assistant editor: Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath


    ISSN: 0346-8712

    ISBN: 91-970201-9-2


    This volume is dedicated to Miloslava Slavíčkova, colleague and friend of many years and an inspiring representative of intellectuals i Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. It was Miloslava who suggested the topic for initial symposium.



    This project was made possible by a four-year grant from the BANK OF SWEDEN TERCENTANARY FOUNDATION. We are grateful for additional grants for the concluding conference from SWEDISH INSTITUTE, the CRAFOORD FOUNDATION, and the WENNER-GREN FOUNDATIONS. Our warm thanks go to our colleague Professor Barbara Törnquist-Plewa  for the continual presence, cooperations, and support, for here role as co-ordinator of contacts with Poand, and not least for her help with evaluation several of the texts in this volume. We express our heartfelt appreciation to Professor Jerzy Jedlicki, Professor of History at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, for his encouragement and enthusiasm for the project; unfortunately, having participated in the network from the start, professor Jedlicki was unabled to attend th concluding conference. We thank also graduate student Natalia Bratova, Lund University, who gladly accepted co-responsibility for editing the papers in Russian.


    Lund.Visby in November 2005

    Fiona Björling

    Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath


  • On the Verge. Russian thought between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
    Vol. 21 (2001)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Assistant editor: Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath

    Editorial board: Fiona Björling, Lars Steensland & Barbara Törnquist-Plewa

    ISSN: 0346-8712

  • Sverige och Polen. Nationer och stereotyper
    Vol. 20 (2000)

    Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (red.)


    Editor's note

    The 20th volume of Slavica Lundensia contains papers and special commentaries presented at a conference entitled "Sweden and Poland: Nations and Stereotypes'. The conference was organised by the Department of Slavonic Studies and the Centre for European Studies in Lund and tookplace on 30 October 1999. The purpose of the conference was to reflect on the stereotypes tha Poles and Swedes have of each others and discuss whether between nations and people. It is the editor's hope that his book will contribute to a better understanding of the nature of stereotypes in general, and of Polish-Swedish stereotypes in particular.

  • Through a Glass Darkly. Cultural representation in the dialogue between Central, Eastern and Western Europe.
    Vol. 19 (1999)

    Edited by Fiona Björling

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    The 19TH volume of Slavica Lundensia contains papers delivered at a symposium entitled Constituting and Reconstituting Central and Eastern Europe. Cultural representations in the dialogue between Central, Eastern and Western Europe which was held in Lund on January 29-31 1999. The symposium was organised within the research project The Intelligentsia as the Creators of Social Values in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and the Twentieth Centuries which receives its financial support from The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

    The following papers were delivered at the symposium but have not been submitted for publication:
    Olivier Danjoux (Lund), Civil Society in the Baltic Countries Before and After Independence;
    Nikolaj Migunov (St. Petersburg), The Russian Intelligentsia in the Search for a New Identity: Between Traditional Patterns and Present-Day Sociocultural Patterns;
    Steven Sampson (Lund), Mafia and Antimafia in Europeanist, Occi-dentalist and Orientalist Discourses.

  • Adam Mickiewicz - polack, litauer och europé
    Vol. 18 (1998)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Editor for this issue: Barbara Törnquist-Plewa

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    Editor´s note

    Slavica Lundensia  no. 18 contains papers delivered at a symposium  devoted to the polish romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz. The symposium which took place on the 4th April 1998, was organised in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet.

  • Русская акценторафия. Правилаи тенденции в употреблении надстрочных знаков в русских рукописях, преимущественно XV и XVI
    Vol. 17 (1997)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    Editor's note:

    This book is the first attempt to create a comprehensive manual of Russian accentography, i.e the systematic study of the function of the supralinear signs in Russian manuscripts (and early printed books). The author has gathered and systematized the findings of such prominent specialists in the field as Bulatova, Kolesov, and Zaliznja, and presents this material together with information from complementary sources as well as his own observations. The "rules"  are richly illustrated with authentic examples taken directly from manuscripts. The author would greatly appreciate comments and suggestions for improvements of the text.

  • Språk och identitet i Vitryssland - En studie i den vitryska nationalismens historia
    Vol. 16 (1997)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712


    Editor's note

    This book on the Belorussian concept of nationalty is the result of research on questions of "national-building" in Central and Eastern Europe, conducted by the author at Lund University Slavic Department. The Study presented here in Slavica Lundensia is an extended and elaborated part of the monograph on the role of language in the process and nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Chech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belorussia), which the author is planning to publish next year. 

  • Ϲлавянский кодекс SUB, Slav. 1 в Ϲтокгольме Предварительное описание
    Vol. 15 (1996)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    Editor's note

    Hitherto Slavica Lundensia has for the most part published papers and articles, read and written in connection with conferences, symposia and other similiar occasions. From now on the series will offer the possibility of publishing minor monographs, of which the present study is an example. This book is the result of a joint project conducted by the Slavic Departments of Lund and Stockholm Universities. For a summary in English se page 99.

  • Intelligentsia in the Interim. Recent Experiences from Central and Eastern Europe
    Vol. 14 (1995)

    General editor: Lars Steensland

    Editor for this Issue: Fiona Björling

    Assistant Editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    Slavica Lundensia 14 contains papers delivered at the Symposium devoted to The New Role of the Intellegentsia and Eastern Europe which took place in Lund on September 17-18, 1993


    Lars Kleberg's paper, The Intelligentsia is Dead! Long Live the Intelligentsia has not been submitted for publication. The introductory article by Fiona Björling was written after the symposium by way of a frame and conclusion.

  • Ur de slaviska folkens historia
    Vol. 13 (1991)

    Editor: L'ubomir Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712


    Bandet Slavica Lundensia  13 innehåller huvudsakligen referat från symposiet Centraleuropas kulturhistoria som ägde rum 6-7 oktober 1989 i Lund. Referaten кудьтура Словакии вконтексте Средііей Евроііыы av N. Leselidze (Tblisi) och ’Tjeckisk nationalidentitet og orientering  i omverlden av P. Bugge (Århus) har publicerats annostädes. Artiklarna  ’Kunskapsvakuum i Ryssland’ av L’ Ďurovič och ’The cultural context and impact of the Protestant Reformation in Slovakia’ av D.P Daniel har presenterats för det XII Nordiska Slavistmötet i Lund/Backagården i augusti 1990.


    Vid den slutgiltiga redigeringen har inte hänsyn tagits till de politiska förändringarna efter hösten 1989.


    Slavica Lundensia 13 contains a number of papers devoted t single themes concering the cultural history of Slavonic peoples. They are written in Scandinavian languages, Polish or English. No summaries in other languages are given.


  • Diaspora Languages in Western Europe
    Vol. 12 (1988)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712

    Papers from the workshop "Language Minorities - Children's Language in Diaspora" held on july 22nd, 1987 at the international congress for the study of child language in Lund, Sweden.

  • Child Language in Diaspora. Serbo-Croatian in West European Countries
    Vol. 11 (1987)

    Editor: L’ubomir Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712


    This volume of Slavica Lundensia contains materiale from a symposium held at the Department of Slavonic Languages in Lund, August 26th-29th, 1986. A paper by T. Paulsson, presented at the IVth Swedish-Polish Slavonic Conference in Jurata in September of 1986 and concerned with Polish children's language in Swedish diaspora, is also included.

    The   articles   discuss   different   aspects   of Yugoslav children's language in   West-European   diaspora   (phonetic,    grammatical and lexical structures, children's communicative competence, linguistic     aspects   of   the   "home   language"   instruction   in Swedish schools).

    The symposium was organized by the Archive for Diaspora Languages at   the   Slavonic Department öf the University of Lund, a research project subsidized by the Swedish Board   of   Education (Skolöverstyrelsen),    the   Swedish   Ministry of Employment and the Tercentenary Foundation of the Bank of Sweden.

  • Slavica L'ubomír Ďurovič Sexagenario dedicata
    Vol. 10 (1986)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič


    Redactional committee:

    Alla Binder

    Fiona Björling

    Terho Paulsson

    Miloslava Slavičkova


    ISSN: 0346-8712

  • Lingua in diaspora. Studies in the Language of the Second Generation of Yugoslav Immigrant Children in Sweden
    Vol. 9 (1983)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Alla Binder


    Printed with a grant from the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    The volume Lingua in Diaspora  (= Slavica Lundensia 9) contains materials concerning the Serbocroatian/Croatian language as spoken by Yugoslav immigrant children living in Sweden.

    The articles discuss immigrant children's linguistic conditions in general,   the case systems in the idiolects of school-start children and the development of vocabulary (both mother tongue and Swedish)  in ages 4-18 years. The last two articles present the computer processing used in this investigation project  (storing,   search and analysis programs).

    In the second part of the volume are published selected children's texts (representing different case systems) from the Archives for Diaspora Language at the Slavonic Department  (Lund University).
    In this volume the name

    "Serbocroatian/Croatoserbian/Croatian/Serbian language" is abbreviated as "S/C".

  • Bohemica et Slovaca
    Vol. 8 (1980)

    Editor:L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Georg Jaugelis, Alla Binder

    ISSN: 0346-8712

  • Sueco - Polonica. Materiały z drugiej polsko-szwedzkiej konferencji slawistycznej, forsakar (szwecja), 15-18 VI 1979
    Vol. 7 (1979)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor. Georg Jaugelis

    Editorial note

    This issue of SLAVICA LUNDENSIA contains contributions to the second Swedish-Polish Slavic conference which was held in Forsakar, Sweden, June 15-18 1979, and organized by Association of Swedish Slavists (Svenska slavistförbundet). Apart from the papers published in the present volume, the paper  “Aparat pojęciowy opisu składniowego” was presented at the Conference by Dr. Z Zaron.

          The papers are published in the language in which they were delivered.

  • Lund contributions to the eight international congress of slavists in Zagbre - Ljubljana
    Vol. 6 (1978)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Georg Jaugelis

  • Litteraria
    Vol. 5 (1977)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor. Georg Jaugelis


    Editorial note:

    The papers by Lena Tybjærg and Lars Kleberg were deliverid at a symposium on "The Twentieth Century Russian Novel" held at the Slavic Institute in Lund in December 1976, at the instigation of Fiona Björling, researcher assitent. Karina Vamling's paper is a student contribution submitted on the same occasion. All three papers have been translated into russian by Alla Binder.

  • Astrid Bæcklund-Ehler in memoriam (1908-1976)
    Vol. 4 (1976)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Georg Jaugelis

  • Kring den svenska slavistikens äldsta historia
    Vol. 3 (1975)

    Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

    Assistant editor: Georg Jaugelis

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