The journey to the end of the world under the sign of reconciliation with oneself and the world




short story, isolated village, simplicity, the power of faith, Razvan Brudiu, hesychast


The novella Cînd Nu mai ai pe Cine să Îmbrățișezi [When you have no one to hug], by Răzvan Brudiu, offers a wild and isolated image of a hamlet in the Apuseni Mountains, where old Joseph lives in solitude, strengthened by the power of faith, waiting for the last road to eternity. In the volume we can identify a dialogical construction on the waiting theme, under the sign of silence. If Joseph speaks, it is to banish loneliness, as rarely does anyone cross his threshold, so that in the narrative ego his words and gestures provoke deep meditations on existence. The profile of the central hero is gradually built up through simplicity, modesty, and natural gestures, contrasting with the erudition of the theologian who constantly feels the need to refer to various passages in the Bible, to church events and services, to quotations from the writings of saints or famous writers, etc. Two different worlds emerge from the dialogue between the two protagonists, that of the city, where life is full of daily hassles and worries, where people judge things with a ‘correct’ mind, and the world of old Joseph, for whom time has already become ‘eternity’. These worlds, symbolically confronted, generate meaningful images. The 90-year-old man serenely looks towards death, aware that he does not have much more to expect from life and wishing to be reunited with his wife. He leads a simple life, but his prayer, uttered without worrying about tomorrow, generates in his heart love and longing for the Creator. For him, the end of the world is, in fact, the meeting with God, and everything he does since his wife’s death is a preparation for reaching the final goal, thus becoming an example for everyone who believes in eternal life.

Author Biography

Gabriela Chiciudean, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia

Gabriela Chiciudean, Associate Professor, PhD in Philology since 2005, teaches Theory of Literature, Literary Criticism, Introduction in the Science of Imaginary, Comparative Literature. She is the author of some individual volumes: Incursiuni în Lumea Simbolurilor [Incursions into the world of symbols], Sibiu, Imago Publishing House, (2004); Pavel Dan şi Globul de Cristal al Creatorului [Pavel Dan and the crystal globe of the creator], The Romanian Academy Publishing House, (2007); Obiectiv / Subiectiv: Încercări de Stabilizare a Fluidului [Objective / Subjective: Attempts to stabilize the fluid], Tipomoldova Publishing House, (2013); Studii literare: Abordări pe suportul Știintei imaginarului [Literary studies: Approaches on the basis of the science of the imaginary], The Romanian Academy Publishing House, (2016), and the co-author and coordinator of a few other volumes. She published many articles and studies in dedicated periodicals in Romania and abroad. She is the executive manager of Speculum Centre for the Study of Imaginary, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia. She is the organizer of Speculum Conferences and the editor of Incursiuni în Imaginar [Incursions into the imaginary], the literary journal of Speculum Conferences, and editor of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Lund, Sweden.


Brudiu, R. (2003). Cînd nu mai ai pe cine să îmbrățișezi [When you have no one to hug]. Iași: Editura Doxologia.

Chira, R. (2023), Cuvînt înainte [Forward]. În Incursiuni în imaginar [Incursions into the Imaginary]. No. 14. 2023. pp. 13-16.




How to Cite

Chiciudean, G. (2024). The journey to the end of the world under the sign of reconciliation with oneself and the world. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(2), 206–208.