Universuri traumatice și „cai verzi pe pereți”

Traumatic universes and “green horses on the walls”





novel, narrative universe, childhood, childhood trauma, Helene Pflitsch


Novelist Helene Pflitsch is thematically placed alongside Radu Aldulescu, Camelia Cavadia, Ioana Nicolaie, Simona Popescu and others. Torturous images of times not so long ago are presented by the careful and sensitive eye of a creator of plots and characters with destinies that are difficult for today's young people to understand. Adults and youth who had a childhood full of material deprivation, lived in broken families, with parents always searching for a profitable business, “a perfect house”, or become vicious when their dreams fall apart, here the novel's theme “Let go of Yesterday”. Helene Pflitsch captures their sufferings, fears, transformations or breakdowns due to the adverse impact of adults on children. In a small provincial town in Transylvania, “the children of the photographer and Oly-drunk” (Pflitsch 2022: 102) live their traumas and consume their energies until exhaustion. Childhood trauma is well outlined and follows an identifiable construct in writings of this kind, the tragedies in the photographer's family being presented by following the destiny of each member, which is undoubtedly heading towards division, identity extinction and, most importantly, loneliness.

Author Biography

Gabriela Chiciudean, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia

Gabriela Chiciudean, Associate Professor, PhD in Philology since 2005, she teaches Theory of Literature, Literary Criticism, Introduction in the Science of Imaginary, Comparative Literature. She is the author of some individual volumes (Incursiuni în lumea simbolurilor, Sibiu, Imago Publishing House, 2004; Pavel Dan şi globul de cristal al creatorului, Bucureşti, The Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2007; Obiectiv/ Subiectiv. Încercări de stabilizare a fluidului, Iaşi, Tipomoldova Publishing House, 2013; Studii literare. Abordari pe suportul Stiintei imaginarului, Bucureşti, The Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2016), and the co-author and coordinator of a few other volumes. She published many articles and studies in dedicated periodicals in Romania and abroad. She is the executive manager of Speculum Centre for the research of the Imaginary, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia. She is the organizer of Speculum Conferences and the editor of Incursiuni în imaginar, the literary journal of Speculum Conferences, and editor of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Lund, Sweden.


Pflitsch, H. (2022). Leapădă-te de Ieri/ Let go of Yesterday. Apahida: Neuma.

Marchedon, R.-R. (2020). Raporturi identitare în imaginarul Cameliei Cavadia – Vina, Măștile fricii, Purgatoriul îngerilor/ Identity relationships in the imaginary of Camelia Cavadia – Guilt, Masks of Fear, Purgatory of Angels. In Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica. Nr. 21. Alba Iulia: Tipografia Universităţii

„1 Decembrie 1918”. 146-156.

Marchedon, R.-R. (2019). Father’s hypostases.Comparative study – Franz Kafka and Camelia Cavadia. In Journal of Romanian Literary Studies. Nr. 19. Târgu-Mureș: „Arhipelag XXIˮ, Press. 773-778.




How to Cite

Chiciudean, G. (2023). Universuri traumatice și „cai verzi pe pereți”: Traumatic universes and “green horses on the walls”. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 379–383. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v6i1.25144