"Scadența" de Horia Liman – obiceiuri ancestrale într-un spațiu izolat / “The Deadline” by Horia Liman – Ancestral customs in an isolated space





Horia Liman; deadline; isolated space; ancestral; Țara Oașului; Maiden Fair on Mount Găina;


In his novel, “The Deadline”, Horia Liman depicts the history of an authentic world governed by unwritten laws belonging to the morality of the common man, especially to the honour code. In a poor isolated community from Oaș, placed on a rocky hill, where only the nettles grow, the knapsack and the knife are held in high esteem. The atmosphere of the novel, its characters and their features, the difficult life and the unwritten laws are gradually unveiled through significant events.

Author Biography

Gabriela Chiciudean, "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia

Gabriela Chiciudean is lecturer at “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, the Philology Department. She graduated the same university in 2000 and obtained the PhD degree in 2005. She is the executive manager of The Centre for The Study of The Imaginary within “1 Decembrie 1918” University. She is the organizer of Speculum Conferences and the editor of “Incursiuni în imaginar”, the literary journal of Speculum Conferences. Since 2008, she is a member of The Union of The Writers from Romania, Alba-Hunedoara department. She is also the literary secretary of “Discobolul”, the main cultural magazine in Alba-Iulia. Gabriela Chiciudean is a member of The International Association “Les Amis du CRI”, Grenoble. Since 2009, she is also a member of The Association for Literature and Compared Literature of Romania. In 2013 started as founder The Reading Society of Triteni.

Gabriela Chiciudean is the author of Incursiune în lumea simbolurilor (Imago, 2004), Pavel Dan şi globul de cristal al creatorului, (Editura Academiei Române, 2007), Între intenţia autorului şi interpretare (Imago, 2008), Incursiuni în imaginar. 4. De la corpul imaginat la corpul reprezentat (Editura Aeternitas, 2010), Obiectiv/ Subiectiv. Încercărti de stabilizare a fluidului (Editura Tipompoldova, 2013), Studii literare (Editura Academiei Române, 2016), Introducere în Teoria literaturii. Curs universitar (Editura Aeternitas, 2019). She is also a contributor to more than twenty collective works.

She published over 130 articles and studies in dedicated periodicals in Romania and abroad: Transilvania, Discobolul, Semne, Mişcarea literară, Steaua, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Studia Universitatis Petru Maior, Cultura, Studii şi comunicări de folclor, Cultura creştină, Vatra, Arca, TricTrac: Journal of World Mythology and Folklore (South Africa, Pretoria), Caietele Echinox, Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education, Columna. Finnish and Romanian Culture (Turku, Finland), etc.


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How to Cite

Chiciudean, G. (2020). "Scadența" de Horia Liman – obiceiuri ancestrale într-un spațiu izolat / “The Deadline” by Horia Liman – Ancestral customs in an isolated space. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 3(1), 71–85. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v3i1.21464