Dinamica formelor și a relațiilor sociale în grupările socialiste din secolul al XIX-lea

The dynamics of social forms and relations in the socialist groups of the 19th century





sociability, social network, weak ties, social imaginary, forms of life, socialist movement


Focusing on two theoretical concepts, sociability, driven from Maurice Agulhonʼs theory, and social networked as developed in Georg Simmelʼs formal sociology, the present article aims to discuss the Romanian socialist circles from the 19th century in a twofold manner. On the one hand, it explores the social imaginary and the transferable social forms due to the existence of the “weak ties” (Mark Granovetter), such as clandestinity, the anti-bourgeois attitude, the idealism, and the generic portrait of the socialist. On the other hand, the article analyses the forms of life that are specific and dependent on the material spaces, shaping the particularities of different socialist groups. Such elements of shared life are, for example, the exaltation in Neculai Beldiceanuʼs cenacle from Iași, the anti-intimacy in Nădejdeʼs house on Sărărie, the farce at „Adevărul” magazine, but also the experience of drinking tea, common to the majority of the socializing groups, and the relationship between men and women, considered as the myth of the 19th century socialist movement.

Author Biography

Maricica Munteanu, The “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Iasi, Romania

Maricica Munteanu is a researcher at the Department of Literary History within the “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology (Romanian Academy – Iași Branch). Her research interests include cultural studies, Romanian literary history, literary geography, cultural memory, and literary communities. More specifically, her works examine different ways of representing marginality in literature, the local identities, the spatial and collective imaginary of literary groups, the forms of sociability and their impact on the creative process. She is the author of Gruparea de la „Viața românească”. O literatură a spațiului și comunității (“Viața românească” Group. A Literature of Space and Community), and contributor to Dicționarul general al literaturii române, ed. a II-a (The General Dictionary of Romanian Literature, 2nd edition).


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How to Cite

Munteanu, M. (2023). Dinamica formelor și a relațiilor sociale în grupările socialiste din secolul al XIX-lea: The dynamics of social forms and relations in the socialist groups of the 19th century. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 229–247. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v6i1.24895