Mircea Ivănescu – a Romanian poet rendering the style of James Joyce’s Ulysses. The concept of fidelity in translating the overture from “Sirens”


  • Andra Iulia Ursa "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia




language, fidelity in translation, non-equivalence, form, content


The following paper deals with a view on the concept of fidelity in literary translation with an analysis of the Romanian poet Mircea Ivănescu’s work on the overture of episode eleven: “Sirens” from James Joyce’s “Ulysses”. Mircea Ivănescu is a postmodernist poet who prefers to employ an ordinary language when writing. Moreover, he is a self-taught man of letters who didn’t even get a degree in the languages he translated from. When speaking of his work as a translator his attitude is often sceptical. However, “Ulise” is an acclaimed Romanian translation and critics have repeatedly praised Ivănescu’s translation skills and use of language. For that reason, the paper focuses on the concept of fidelity in translation and on the effort of the Romanian poet to efficiently render Joyce’s writing style in the target language and at the same time to preserve the original meaning of words. The paper is not intended to elicit the imperfections of the translation but rather to illustrate the intricacy of the task, the problems of non-equivalence that are difficult to avoid by any literary translator and some potential approaches.


Author Biography

Andra Iulia Ursa, "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia

Andra-Iulia Ursa is a PhD student in Philology at “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia. She is currently advised in the research of the doctoral thesis by Mr. Professor Felix Narcis Nicolau. She is engaged in studying “The evolution of James Joyce’s writing style in Dubliners, A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses and the strategies of translating it in Romanian”. She earned her Masters in French and English Language from the University of Alba-Iulia and her Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Modern Languages: French and English from Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca. At the present time, she holds seminars in specialty areas such as Synthax, Semantics or Introduction in the Theory and Practice of Translation at “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia.


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How to Cite

Ursa, A. I. (2019). Mircea Ivănescu – a Romanian poet rendering the style of James Joyce’s Ulysses. The concept of fidelity in translating the overture from “Sirens”. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2(1), 42–61. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v2i1.18745