Mellan tvivel och tro. Om dikter, visor och psalmer i gudstjänst och vardagsliv


  • Sven-Åke Selander


Between Doubt and Faith. On Poems, Songs and Hymns in Worship and Everyday Life

People's need to use poetry and music to express their spiritual searching, doubts and faith is increasing. This is why it is so important to have an ongoing development of hymns and religious songs where many different voices can contribute with texts and music for the various activities of church life. The Christian message can be expressed most clearly and meaningfully if people can recognize both the existential questions they struggle with on a daily basis, as well as answers to their questions in these compositions. Creating such hymns and songs requires knowledge of modern life as well as the ability and desire to learn from each other’s experiences, language and music. In this way dynamic meetings can occur where one’s Christian and personal understanding can deepen and mature.

This essay describes the similarities and differences in various texts which illustrate how seekers, doubters and Christian hymn- and songwriters express fundamental existential problems. As a basis for these analyses, secular poetry and Christian hymns are used.

Modern expressions of doubt and inquiry are illustrated by texts of Cornelis Vreeswijk (1937–1987), a well-known poet, singer and entertainer who in a very expressive and personal way struggled with existential questions. Examples of Christian songs are taken primarily from the latest trial collection of hymns in the Church of Sweden’s Psalmer i 2000-talet (»Hymns of the 21st Century»). The study is thematic. Central existential themes discussed are: questions about existence, life circumstances, salvation and help in times of need. One’s life journey or path is the metaphor used.

The analyses show that even if assumptions for interpreting existence and life circumstances can vary, the areas touched upon are clearly defined and important for people. If a seeker, doubter and Christian believer are to be able to have a dialogue with one another, and better understand each other’s texts and tonal language, they need to be able to learn from each other. Seekers and doubters need to be sensitive to the language of the Christian faith and its expression, writers of Christian texts and music need to be sensitive to how seekers and doubters express how they see fundamental problems in existential interpretations. The starting point for all groups is inquiry. The goal for all is hope. The seeker has questions about existence, life, humanity, salvation and help in times of need: In what ways are the interpretations different? What do they have in common?

Key words: existential questions, modern Church hymns, secular church music, Church of Sweden, Cornelis Vreeswijk


