Ekumeniskt psalmarbete i frikyrkliga trossamfund


  • Torgny Erséus CTR


The Swedish Flymnal of 1986 includes both an ecumenical section (hymns 1-325) and a denominational section. This essay describes how the major­ ity of Christian denominations worked together to form the ecumenical section of the hymnal. An inventory of the hymns sung in the various Christian churches in Sweden recorded 3,105 hymns to choose from. The final selection is based on extensive study and evaluation by the committee appointed for this task.

The various denominations (or groups of denominations) later develop­ ed their own additions. This essay focuses on »Hymns and Songs» which was the common project for 9 Christian denominations.

As in the Church of Sweden, development work on new hymns has continued in the various denominations. In connection with the »Hymn and Songs» project, an appendix was published in 2003, which included hymns from the Taizé and Iona traditions, as well as Bible songs and worship ser­ vice songs.

Perhaps the ecumenical project was just a one-time phenomenon, or is it possible that this sort of project will happen again? New hymns are always in demand but the ecumenical climate and needs of the various deno­ minations vary.





