Homeland is Homeland

Transnational activities and participation among individuals within the Afghan diaspora in Sweden


  • Alice Hertzberg Lund University


Diasporas can play an important role in their countries of origin through transnational networks and engagement, for instance by sending financial remittances to family and relatives, invest money, transfer ideas, engage politically and in development projects. This article aims at establishing a foundation of knowledge on the Afghan diaspora in Sweden and its transnational activities. The theoretical framework is based on a transnational perspective, namely, cross-border activities and processes. In this study, the Afghan diaspora is defined as individuals living in Sweden but born or raised in Afghanistan, and who in one way or another maintain cross-border ties/links or activities towards the country of origin. The study shows how seven individuals within the Afghan diaspora engage in Afghanistan, what types of transnational activities they direct towards the household and extended family sphere, the ’known community’ sphere, and the ’imagined community’ sphere, as well as the capabilities and personal motivations that contribute to their commitments. 

