About the Journal
About Patristica Nordica Annuaria
Patristica Nordica Annuaria is an annual Nordic academic bulletin dedicated to the study of late antiquity and early Christianity, i.e. the emergence of Christianity and its environment during the first eight centuries. The bulletin is published by Collegium Patristicum Lundense at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University.
The bulletin features peer-reviewed articles, reviews of new Nordic research and information about current Nordic research within the field. The contributions are either in the Scandinavian languages or in English.
The bulletin is distributed to subscribers as well as members of Collegium Patristicum Lundense. Patristica Nordica Annuaria is a continuation of Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense, 1 (1987) - 25 (2010).
Peer Review
The bulletin has a peer-review system with anonymous academic peer reviewers to secure the academic quality of all articles published in the bulletin.
Publication frequency
The bulletin is published once a year.
Open access policy and publication
The bulletin is published both in paper and in immediate open access.
Editorial team
The bulletin has a group of editorial staff, a publisher and a Nordic editorial board
Thomas Arentzen (Stockholm School of Theology, Sankt Ignatios College)
Britt Dahlman (Lund University)
Maria Sturesson (Lund University)
Andreas Westergren (Lund university)
Samuel Rubenson (Stockholm School of Theology, Sankt Ignatios College)
Nordic editorial board
Barbara Crostini, Newman Institute (Sweden)
Uffe Holmsgaard Eriksen, Aarhus University (Denmark)
John Wayne Kaufman, Norwegian School of Theology (Norway)
Anni Maria Laato, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)