Work life in transition

Work life in transition is a scientific series published by the Centre for Work Environment and Leadership (Arbetsmiljöhögskolan), Lund University in collaboration with the Swedish Association for Working Life Reserach (FALF), Centre for Work Life and Evaluation Studies (CTA), Malmö university and the Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The series is intended for both researchers and others interested in gaining a deeper understanding of work life issues. Within the series dissertations, anthologies and original research are published.

Open access. All publications of Work life in transition will be made available in full text online via Open Journal Systems (OJS) witout a publication fee.

This journal is ranked by:

Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals.


Current Issue

No. 1 (2024): Att organisera utmattningssyndrom. Om sjukskrivningsprocessen, patienters erfarenheter och rehabiliteringsstyrning
					View No. 1 (2024): Att organisera utmattningssyndrom. Om sjukskrivningsprocessen, patienters erfarenheter och rehabiliteringsstyrning

Anders Edvik, Ulrika Flädjemark, Tuija Muhonen, Helena Stavreski och
Stig Westerdahl

Published: 2024-07-18
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