Concept Circuit Training: A new pedagogic approach for better teaching and learning


  • Malin Sjöö
  • Elin Östman
  • Marilyn Rayner


The course Food Science, Complex Food Systems (KLG080) is a advanced level course in the
food specialization of the bio-­‐engineering program at Lund University. It has previously been
based on a set of rather diverse activities (such as labs, lectures, PBL cases, etc.) that were
weakly linked to each other. This caused fragmented knowledge among students and did not
favor a deep learning approach. By replacing these activities with a new pedagogic
approach, concept circuit training (CCT), followed by a milestone exam and a minor project,
the aim is to design a course using the theories of constructive alignment. CCT theme
meetings, with subsequent peer assessments and individual tasks related to each theme, will
be based on identified core concepts and threshold concepts. Activities during each CCT
theme meeting will be designed to stimulate and result in deep learning and mastery of




