The role of examination in quality learning


  • Parisa Sayad
  • Hadeel Solaka
  • Alessandro Schönborn


The role of examination in quality learning was analysed and discussed on the basis of field data collected from students and teachers. The analysis was aimed at addressing two main research questions: First, how do examinations influence student learning, and second, how good are examinations at measuring student learning. The field data suggested that the form of examination appeared to have a measurable influence on how and what the students learned. An exam which encourages a high level of student participation in course activities was found to have a beneficial effect on student learning and examination performance. It was further observed that students perceived a discrepancy between the amount they learned and their exam grades. The latter may be due to the exam not properly reflecting the intended learning outcomes of the course, or learning taking place outside the intended learning outcomes. Alignment of the exam with the actual learning outcomes of the course was found to be important.

