I.L. Caragiale. Despre autor, cititor și diferite mecanisme de seducere, pornind de la O conferență

I.L. Caragiale. On the author, the reader, and the various mechanisms of seduction, starting from A lecture


  • Mircea A. Diaconu Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava




I.L. Caragiale , poetics , reception theories , Alphonse Allais , Henry James


The present text aims to problematise the work of I.L. Caragiale through the lens of reception theories, hermeneutics, and textuality while at the same time questioning some of the structuring themes of his writing, such as truth, the quest and the reader. Using texts such as ‘O conferență’, ‘Două loturi’, ‘Inspecțiune’, ‘Năpasta’, ‘D’ale carnavalului’, ‘Abu Hassan’, ‘1 Aprilie’ and others, the author aims to highlight elements of substance, attitude and style that converge in Caragiale’s writing, which, beyond the social, it associates the metaphysical comic or the idea of empty transcendence with the concern for truth, meta-textuality or the social. In this context, the proximity of I.L. Caragiale to Alphonse Allais or Henry James, in the interpretations of Umberto Eco and Wolfgang Iser, is supported beyond the similarities that legitimise the reading of I.L. Caragiale from the perspective of reception theories, by the fact that their relevant texts were written at the height of the Belle Époque. Therefore, Caragiale’s world appears as a luminous, complicit, seductive irony.

Author Biography

Mircea A. Diaconu, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Mircea A. Diaconu is a PhD Professor at Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, specialist in Romanian literature, poetry, postmodernism, literature, and politics in Bucovina. His first published volume was Poezia de la „Gândirea” [Poetry from “Gândirea” magazine], (1997). He also published studies on Romanian Poetry: Poezia Postmodernă [Postmodern Poetry], (2002), Înainte și După Dezmembrarea lui Orfeu [Before and after the dismemberment of Orpheus], (2014), Biblioteca Română de Poezie Postbelică [Romanian library of postwar poetry], (2016); on Literature and Politics in Bucovina: Mircea Streinul: Viața și Opera [Mircea Streinul: Life and works], (1998), Mişcarea „Iconar”: Literatură şi Politică în Bucovina Anilor `30 [The “Iconar” movement: Literature and politics in Bukovina in the 1930’s], (1999), Studii Bucovinene [Bukovinian studies], (2011), Cernăuți: Obiecte Pierdute [Chernivtsi: lost objects], (2022), Ciprian Porumbescu: On the edge of the Empire, (2023); critical exegeses on some of the most important writers of Romanian literature: I.L.Caragiale: Fatalitatea Ironică [I.L.Caragiale. ironic fatality], (2012), Cui i-e Frică de Emil Cioran? [Who is afraid of Emil Cioran?], (2008), Firul Ariadnei [Ariadne’s thread], (2014), Ion Creangă, Calistrat Hogaș, Ion Agârbiceanu & I. Negoițescu: Recitiri [Ion Creangă, Calistrat Hogaș, Ion Agârbiceanu & I. Negoițescu: Reinterpretations], (2022); studies on literary criticism, essayists and literary critics: La Sud de Dumnezeu: Exerciții de Luciditate [South of God. Exercises in lucidity], 2005, Metacritice [Metacritical studies], (2018). He is the editor-in-chief of Meridian Critic academic magazine. He is a contributor to Romanian Literature as World Literature (Bloomsbury, USA, 2018) and a member of the Romanian Writers’ Union.


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How to Cite

Diaconu, M. A. (2024). I.L. Caragiale. Despre autor, cititor și diferite mecanisme de seducere, pornind de la O conferență : I.L. Caragiale. On the author, the reader, and the various mechanisms of seduction, starting from A lecture. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(2), 20–36. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v7i2.25957