Modelul gazetăresc al banditului social în romanul tâlhăresc al secolului al XIX-lea

The feuilleton model of the social bandit in the nineteenth-century outlaw novel




Panait Macri, Ilie Ighel , outlaw novel , social banditry , historical novel


The popularity of the idea of social banditry is closely related to the socio-historical, economic and cultural context, and literature and history only record the reasons why the noble thief, in many variants the outlaw, become some of the central figures of the Romanian historical novel of the 19th century. The outlaw novel is detached from the literary body of the hajduk prose and proposes another series of motives for the actions of the main characters. Cruelty is no longer euphemized by the oversize of the noble character, and the passionate prowess, selfishness, and murder foreshadow the outlaw’s refuge in a society of outcasts, which opposes the official societal model. Through the character of the social outlaw, Panait Macri and Ilie Ighel propose another model of social bandit, the thief who, although initially occupying a privileged social position in the community to which he belongs, commits out of passion a gruesome crime, which will serve as an occasion for his exclusion from the community structure from which he claims. The social thief renounces the aura of vigilante or protector of the horned, and, yielding to the dark desires for the attainment of personal power and prosperity, becomes the embodiment of the evil to be feared, a hypostasis which does not make him repugnant in the collective imagination but, on the contrary, attractive.

Author Biography

Alexandra Olteanu, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania 

Alexandra Olteanu is a Ph.D. student at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Assistant Professor at “Petre Andrei” University of Iași and teaching associate at “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She is a member of the Digital Humanities Laboratory research team. Her main scholarly interests are cultural studies, digital literary studies, genre theory, literary history and theory. She has consistently researched the literature of the 19th century and the evolution of the Romanian novel; A selection of her articles comes as follows: Configurarea genezei unui gen: Începuturile romanului românesc între substanţă documentară şi evocare melodramatică/ Shaping the Genesis of a Genre: The Beginnings of the Romanian Novel between Documentary Substance and Melodramatic Evocation (2019); Ioan Bujoreanu şi geografia melodramei în romanul românesc/ Ioan Bujoreanu and the Geography of Melodrama in the Romanian Novel (2020); Geniu Pustiu – Presiunea tradiţiei şi reabilitarea modelului melodramatic în naraţiunea istorică/ Geniu Pustiu - The Pressure of Tradition and the Rehabilitation of the Melodramatic Model in Historical Narrative (2021).


Referințe primare:

Ighel, Ilie (1890). Banditul Simion Licinski/ The Bandit Simion Licinski. București: Tipogafia Dor. P. Cucu.

Ighel, I. (1892). Dragoș, hoțul Tecucilor/ Dragos, the thief of Tecuci. București: Cultura Românească.

Ighel, I. (1891). Moartea Banditului Simion Licinski/ Death of the Bandit Simion Licinski. București: Editura Librăriei H. Steinberg.

Macri, P. (1883). Ghiță Cătănuță, căpitan de haiduci/ Ghiță Cătănuță, captain of the hajduks. București: Editura Librăriei și Tipografiei H. Steinberg.

Referințe secundare:

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How to Cite

Olteanu, A. (2023). Modelul gazetăresc al banditului social în romanul tâlhăresc al secolului al XIX-lea: The feuilleton model of the social bandit in the nineteenth-century outlaw novel. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 248–267.