Brașovul și cartea veche între 1805 și 1827

Brașov and the old book between 1805 and 1827




Brașov, Honterus, Coresi, Mina, engravings


This paper presents the volume “Graphic Art of Old Romanian Books Printed in Brașov” (1805-1827) written by Anca Elisabeta Tatay and Cornel Tatai-Baltă and published in excellent graphic conditions at the Mega Publishing House in Cluj-Napoca, in 2020. First, we talk about the theoretical excursion in the first part, then about the album with fine reproductions of title sheets, vignettes, seals, engravings, in the second part.

Author Biography

Marcela Ciortea, 1 Decembrie University of Alba Iulia

Marcela Ciortea (born in 1972), Associate Professor at 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, graduated the history-philology profile at Colegiul Național Horea, Cloșca și Crișan of Alba Iulia (1990) and the Latin and Ancient Greek specialization at The Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (1995). She holds a PhD in Philology (2004) with the thesis Modurile nepersonale în Divanul lui Dimitrie Cantemir (published as: The non-finite verb forms in Dimitrie Cantemir’s The Divan), scientific advisor CP I Dr. Sabina Teiuș, Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics in Cluj-Napoca, a branch of The Romanian Academy and Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. Member of the translation team for Toma de Aquino’s Summa Theologiae in Romanian, she was the first to translate Jan Amos Comenius’ Orbis pictus completely in Romanian.


Tatay, A. E.; Tatai-Baltă, C. (2020). Arta grafică a cărților românești vechi tipărite la Brașov (1805-1827)/ Graphic Art of Old Romanian Books Printed in Brașov (1805-1827). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Mega.




How to Cite

Ciortea, M. (2022). Brașovul și cartea veche între 1805 și 1827: Brașov and the old book between 1805 and 1827. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 203–207.