Imaginarul rețelelor de socializare și poetica distanțării în romanul Interior Zero de Lavinia Braniște

The imaginary of the social networks and the poetics of detachment in Interior Zero, a novel by Lavinia Braniște


  • Cristina Hermeziu Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași



poetics, social media, personal relations, millennials, Braniste


After 2004, the year when Facebook was created, the issue of social networks as increasingly widespread and generalized ways of communication and relationship in society also invested in the field of literature, becoming an ingredient of the literary diegesis. To the extent that the writers of the so-called digital generation, respectively the one born and formed directly in the society of communication technologies, can no longer ignore the presence of social networks in the daily lives of created characters, what kind of imaginary literature does this create? Our analysis focuses on how the narrative voice in Lavinia Braniște's novels establishes a meta-critical relationship with social networks, especially in the universe of the first novel, Interior Zero, published in 2016. We are interested in finding out to what extent, in the age of millennials and the virtualization of existence, literature is a subtle form of ontological resistance through catharsis.

Author Biography

Cristina Hermeziu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

Cristina Hermeziu (born in 1971), journalist and writer, is currently holding a position of Associate Lecturer at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania), Department of Communication Sciences, within the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences. She received a Ph.D. in Philology from the University of Iași in 2004, with the dissertation, Expressivity and Persuasion in the Television Discourse. She is the editor of two essay collections on communication, Viața pe Facebook. Dau like deci exist / Life on Facebook. I like therefore I am (2020), and Revoluția din depărtare  / The revolution from afar (2011). She is the author of two poetry books and of Vedere din Turnul Eiffel. Portrete civile, crochiuri politice / A view from the Eiffel Tower, and Civil portraits, political sketches (2017), a collection of her published pieces as an international correspondent in Paris. Her research interests include the theory of communication, digital communication, social networks and the Internet, cultural studies, cultural memory studies, comparative literature, French and Romanian studies.


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How to Cite

Hermeziu, C. (2022). Imaginarul rețelelor de socializare și poetica distanțării în romanul Interior Zero de Lavinia Braniște: The imaginary of the social networks and the poetics of detachment in Interior Zero, a novel by Lavinia Braniște. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 85–96.