Virgil Ierunca – Jurnalistul scriitor

Virgil Ierunca – a journalist and a writer


  • ELENA-CAMELIA ZĂBAVĂ Institutul Limbii Române/Universitatea „Sfinții Chiril și Metodiu” Veliko Târnovo, Bulgaria/ Universitatea din Craiova



exile, Romanian literature, Virgil Ierunca, journalist, writer


In the second volume entitled „Necunoscutul scriitor Virgil Ierunca” (The Unknown writer Virgil Ierunca) from a series dedicated to the Romanian literature in exile (published by Aius Publishing House from Craiova), the two authors – Mihaela Albu & Dan Anghelescu – demonstrate that Ierunca was not only a good journalist and editor, but also a poet, a literary critic, a memoirist, a portraitist, and a poet. In other words – Virgil Ierunca was an authentic Romanian writer.



ELENA-CAMELIA ZĂBAVĂ, Institutul Limbii Române/Universitatea „Sfinții Chiril și Metodiu” Veliko Târnovo, Bulgaria/ Universitatea din Craiova

Elena-Camelia Zăbavă was born in Rosiorii de Vede, a small town in the South of Romania, in 1964. She graduated the Faculty of Letters from the University of Craiova in 1988. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2004 at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, with a dissertation on anthroponomy. Camelia Zăbavă is an Associate professor at the University of Craiova, teaching Linguistics. Now she is working as a Visiting lecturer at the University St. Cyril and Methodius, VelikoTârnovo, Bulgaria, where she is teaching Romanian language. She is a member of the Union of Slavists from Romania, of the editorial board of Arhivele Olteniei (an important journal published in Craiova under the auspices of Romanian Academy), of the Union of Professional Journalists in Romania, and of the Cultural Association Carmina Balcanica. Camelia Zăbavă participated with papers at many symposiums organized by different universities both in Romania and other countries. She published scientific articles in academic and cultural journals and periodicals. She is the author of Structuri derivaționale în antroponimia din Oltenia / Derivative structures in the anthroponymy of Oltenia, and Repere lingvistice și culturale / Linguistic and cultural landmarks. Her interests focus on general linguistics, onomastics, stylistics, Romanian as a foreign language.


Albu, M. (2010a). Virgil Ierunca: Forța și arta cuvântului/ Virgil Ierunca: The Force and the Art of the Words. In Întoarcerea în Ithaca. Cultura română în exil și în afara granițelor. Craiova: Editura Universitaria. 11-20.

Albu, M. (2010b). Virgil Ierunca – un scriitor și o conștiință/ Virgil Ierunca – a writer and a conscience. In Concepte în mișcare – Studii despre stadiul actual al criticii și istoriei literare românești. București: Editura Academiei Române. 223-230.

Albu, M., Anghelescu, D. (2020). Necunoscutul scriitor Virgil Ierunca/ The Unknown writer Virgil Ierunca. Craiova: Editura Aius.

Ierunca, V. (1991). Românește/ Romanian. București: Editura Humanitas.

Orian, G. (2020). Mihaela Albu, Dan Anghelescu, Necunoscutul scriitor Virgil Ierunca/ Mihaela Albu, Dan Anghelescu, The Unknown writer Virgil Ierunca. In Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, no.21, Issue 1/2020. 315-318.

Zăbavă, C. (2016). Repere lingvistice și culturale. Studii/ Linguistic and Cultural Landmarks. Essays. Craiova: Editura Aius.




Referera så här

ZĂBAVĂ, E.-C. (2021). Virgil Ierunca – Jurnalistul scriitor: Virgil Ierunca – a journalist and a writer. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4(1), 228–232.