Genul (literar /discursiv). Pagini de istorie conceptuală (I)

(Literary /discursive) genre. Pages of conceptual history (I)


  • Alina Buzatu Ovidius University of Constanța



genre; literary / discursive; essentialism/ conditionalism; Mikhail Bakhtin; conceptual mapping; neurosciences.


My paper problematizes genre as an essential taxonomic tool not only for literature, but for the entire field of human discourse. The route of the conceptual semantization of genre is traced from the canonical definitions to contemporary methodological avatars, in an attempt to prove its versatility, its capacity to change and adapt.   

Author Biography

Alina Buzatu, Ovidius University of Constanța

Alina Buzatu, Associate Professor, teaches Theory of Literature and Romanian Literature (Romanian Pre-modern Literature, Romanian avant-garde) at Ovidius University of Constanța. She has published three books and numerous scientific articles. Her research interests include pragma-semiotics, the intellectual history of the XXth century, comparative theoretical studies, and cognitive neurosciences.


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How to Cite

Buzatu, A. (2021). Genul (literar /discursiv). Pagini de istorie conceptuală (I): (Literary /discursive) genre. Pages of conceptual history (I). Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4(1), 13–25.