A challenge to American pragmatism: staging O’Neill’s Hughie by Alexa Visarion


  • Adriana Carolina Bulz Military Technical Academy, Bucharest




reception, pragmatism, fatalism, performance, Romanian-America cultural connections


“Hughie or the Tale of a Memory” is the working title of the first play that the experienced artist Alexa Visarion has directed for the independent theater (a production released in 2017). The purpose of my paper, which is an investigation of several drama reviews that discuss the play’s first night, is to prove that – despite difficulties with cultural reception and public taste (given a text by O’Neill that is 80 years old, as well as the director’s first time with an informal theater production) - this performance was a succesful attempt at communicating and debating the conflicted values of American pragmatism and equally a crowning of the Romanian director’s effort to stage O’Neill’s plays in our country. Relying on insights from the American doctrine of Pragmatism, I will try to show how O’Neill’s text challenges philosophical premises that are inbred in the American status-quo, thereby making his plays “anti-materialistic” by promoting a fatalistic approach to existence.

Author Biography

Adriana Carolina Bulz, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

Adriana Carolina Bulz is a lecturer with the Military Technical Academy in Bucharest and an editor of the Journal of Philology and Intercultural Communication (JPIC). She published a volume entitled Readings in Eugene O’Neill’s Drama (2012) and her PhD, entitled Transatlantic Connections: A Critical Study of Eugene O’Neill’s Reception in Romania, has recently been published. She has a blog dedicated to literary translation and she has published two volumes of poetry.  She is a member of the Romanian Association for American Studies (since 2008) and of the American Association for Romanian Studies (since 2018). Her research interests include transatlantic cultural dialogue, drama studies, translation theory and practice.


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How to Cite

Bulz, A. C. (2019). A challenge to American pragmatism: staging O’Neill’s Hughie by Alexa Visarion. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2(1), 76–90. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v2i1.18814