Hur ska Kristus kunna inkarneras i predikan? Om bibelhermeneutiska strategier i den homiletiska undervisningen vid Svenska kyrkans utbildningsinstitut


  • Anders Göranzon


The objective of this paper is to look at the relationship between hermeneutical strategies in relation to the Bible and the homiletical education at the Church of Sweden Institute for Pastoral Education. The main research goal is to examine the consequences of the tensions between official documents and factual hermeneutical strategies. The method applied is comparative study of literature, where doctrinal documents of the Church of Sweden is analyzed. Some regulatory documents at the Institute are also examined as well as course literature. Finally, the contribution of the students is brought into the picture. The author also contributes with his own experiences as lecturer in homiletics. A pair of concepts are borrowed from Thomas Kazen, who makes a disctinction between the normative and formative roles of the Bible in preaching. One observation from the study is that the institute does not seem to have a clear hermeneutic strategy. There is a willingness to allow different views to be heard. The Church of Sweden does however assume that members of its clergy are trained in hermeneutics and that they are able to interpret the biblical message and contextualize it into a specific context of time and situation. In that sense one can say that the hermeneutical strategy at the institute leans towards a formative direction. When the role of students is taken into consideration, the picture becomes broader. They represent different theological traditions. The end of the article consists of a discussion on how the institute can be a space where these differences are being shared.





