High Quality Assessment and Measurement of Competency in Engineering Education


  • Thorsten Braun
  • Simone Loewe
  • Nadine Wagener-Böck
  • Freya Willicks


assessment, competency, engineering education, e-assessment


Over the past years, more and more efforts have been made for the improvement of quality assessment in higher education. The introduction of constructive alignment in engineering education certainly brought significant changes to many institutions on the practical level. However, a quality measurement of the assessment outcomes continues to be a crucial aspect. Research based diagnostic modelling for the measurement of competencies has been introduced to university learning, applying their quality standards for psychological tests to student assessment. But it remains unclear, how such sophisticated models can be applied to situations where teachers are not primarily concerned with pedagogical research or social sciences. In addition, the role of online assessment and e-learning tools for testing and  assessment is also constantly on the rise. This adds another dimension of possibilities but also

This round table intends to explore some of the present practices, research results, and concerns with assessment in engineering education. What can be learned from this? Does it
provide any helpful knowledge or tools for the everyday teaching and assessment? Or, maybe, are we already doing it anyway?

The primary goal is to inspire new perspectives on assessment and to facilitate a discussion of best practices. This round table is hosted by visiting higher education developers from German universities with focus on engineering and technology.


