Transitory Lived Space as Recovery From Work


  • Ulf Ericsson Högskolan Kristianstad
  • Pär Pettersson


This paper discuss recovery from work from a spatial perspective. When resources are consumed we need time for recovery, time to reboot and recreate energy, which ought to take place somewhere. Recent research in the field of recovery from work has started to visualize these whereabouts through the categorization into internal and external recovery. In order to deepen this understanding we have turned to the field of organization studies and the literature that refers to the “spatial turn” of this field. Our purpose is to explore the relation between space and recovery mechanism, and to a certain extent the dynamic relation between work and non-work (home, family etc.). By drawing on ideas of fiction-based research we have translated and transformed our empirical interpretations into a fictional story: Strike a Pose. The story informed by theories on organization and space contributes to the understanding of what space do, how we enact space, and how it is related to recovery from work. In this particular paper we argue for the importance of considering the spaces in-between, liminal spaces and transitory lived spaces. By doing this we may perhaps adopt a more extensive notion about internal recovery as well as external recovery.



