Vol. 22 (2005): Words, Deeds and Values. The Intelligentsia in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Iditorial board: Lars Steensland (General editor)

Fiona Björling

Barbara Törnquist-Plewa


Assistant editor: Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath


ISSN: 0346-8712

ISBN: 91-970201-9-2


This volume is dedicated to Miloslava Slavíčkova, colleague and friend of many years and an inspiring representative of intellectuals i Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. It was Miloslava who suggested the topic for initial symposium.



This project was made possible by a four-year grant from the BANK OF SWEDEN TERCENTANARY FOUNDATION. We are grateful for additional grants for the concluding conference from SWEDISH INSTITUTE, the CRAFOORD FOUNDATION, and the WENNER-GREN FOUNDATIONS. Our warm thanks go to our colleague Professor Barbara Törnquist-Plewa  for the continual presence, cooperations, and support, for here role as co-ordinator of contacts with Poand, and not least for her help with evaluation several of the texts in this volume. We express our heartfelt appreciation to Professor Jerzy Jedlicki, Professor of History at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, for his encouragement and enthusiasm for the project; unfortunately, having participated in the network from the start, professor Jedlicki was unabled to attend th concluding conference. We thank also graduate student Natalia Bratova, Lund University, who gladly accepted co-responsibility for editing the papers in Russian.


Lund.Visby in November 2005

Fiona Björling

Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath


Published: 2014-06-02
