Vol. 19 (1999): Through a Glass Darkly. Cultural representation in the dialogue between Central, Eastern and Western Europe.

Edited by Fiona Björling

ISSN: 0346-8712

The 19TH volume of Slavica Lundensia contains papers delivered at a symposium entitled Constituting and Reconstituting Central and Eastern Europe. Cultural representations in the dialogue between Central, Eastern and Western Europe which was held in Lund on January 29-31 1999. The symposium was organised within the research project The Intelligentsia as the Creators of Social Values in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and the Twentieth Centuries which receives its financial support from The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

The following papers were delivered at the symposium but have not been submitted for publication:
Olivier Danjoux (Lund), Civil Society in the Baltic Countries Before and After Independence;
Nikolaj Migunov (St. Petersburg), The Russian Intelligentsia in the Search for a New Identity: Between Traditional Patterns and Present-Day Sociocultural Patterns;
Steven Sampson (Lund), Mafia and Antimafia in Europeanist, Occi-dentalist and Orientalist Discourses.

Published: 2014-06-02