Vol. 9 (1983): Lingua in diaspora. Studies in the Language of the Second Generation of Yugoslav Immigrant Children in Sweden

Editor: L’ubomír Ďurovič

Assistant editor: Alla Binder


Printed with a grant from the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences

The volume Lingua in Diaspora  (= Slavica Lundensia 9) contains materials concerning the Serbocroatian/Croatian language as spoken by Yugoslav immigrant children living in Sweden.

The articles discuss immigrant children's linguistic conditions in general,   the case systems in the idiolects of school-start children and the development of vocabulary (both mother tongue and Swedish)  in ages 4-18 years. The last two articles present the computer processing used in this investigation project  (storing,   search and analysis programs).

In the second part of the volume are published selected children's texts (representing different case systems) from the Archives for Diaspora Language at the Slavonic Department  (Lund University).
In this volume the name

"Serbocroatian/Croatoserbian/Croatian/Serbian language" is abbreviated as "S/C".

Published: 2014-06-02