Economia și societatea sub lentila multiculturalismului. Contraste: heterocromie și heterocronie economico-socială

Economy and society under the lens of multiculturalism. Contrasts: Heterochromy and economic-social heterochrony




heterochromy, heterochrony, multiculturalism, differentiated development


Multiculturalism implies social acceptance: it does not involve consensus, but social awareness. As witnesses of diversity, we identify change itself, as a continuous process, relativised by aspects of heterochromy and socioeconomic heterochrony. The dichotomy of differentiated development does not follow a particular pattern. Simultaneously, it seems dual: it seduces through a certain degree of freedom (discernible, perceptible, or apparent), but it also makes itself guilty through the reticence that singles it out. In the end, differentiation brings advantages and requires sacrifices, but it is as much a part of the spirit of the individual as it is of the way economic entities act.

Author Biography

Gabriela Bodea, Babeș-Bolyai University

Gabriela Bodea is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She holds a PhD in Economics (1997) and teaches Economics and Communication Deontology. She coordinates a Reading Circle in Economics with students of the faculty. Research interests: Economics (social and cultural asymmetries; social and economic imbalances; crises: economic crisis, cultural crisis, crisis of elites, crisis of democracy); Culture; Communication; Anthropology. Significant published books: Microeconomia: Principiile și Mecanismele Jocului [ Microeconomics: Game’s principles and mechanisms], (2002); Comunicarea: Expresie şi Deontologie [Communication: Expression and deontology], (2007); Dezvoltarea Durabilă, 37oC [Sustainable development, 37 degrees Celsius], (2014); Clash-ul Crizelor sau Viclenia Lumii Asimetrice [The clash of crises or the guile of the asymmetric world], (2023).


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How to Cite

Bodea, G. (2024). Economia și societatea sub lentila multiculturalismului. Contraste: heterocromie și heterocronie economico-socială: Economy and society under the lens of multiculturalism. Contrasts: Heterochromy and economic-social heterochrony. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(2), 141–155.