Considerații privind valoarea de optativ a conjunctivului românesc și bulgăresc în propoziții independente

Insights on the optative value of subjunctive in independent clauses in Romanian and Bulgarian




subjunctive, optative sentences, Romanian, Bulgarian, Balkan Sprachbund


The Romanian and Bulgarian languages share common features stemming from the Balkan linguistic aria. Among the distinctive grammatical constructions in Balkan languages is the new-type analytic subjunctive, a replacement for the infinitive in various languages such as Romanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Albanian, and Greek. The subjunctive can manifest in present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect tenses in most languages. However, Romanian has more limited combinations, employing only the present and perfect tenses. Despite these differences, the subjunctive shares structural, semantic, and usage similarities across Balkan languages. The use of the subjunctive in optative sentences is a common feature in Balkan languages, conveying achievable desires in the present and strong but unrealizable wishes in the past. This paper aims to broaden the research on the Balkan-type subjunctive by illustrating parallels in the modal values of this mood in Romanian and Bulgarian in independent optative sentences. The research underscores numerous correspondences in the use of the subjunctive in optative sentences in Romanian and Bulgarian. In both languages, within the optative context, the subjunctive expresses various sentiments such as desire, wishes, regret, protest, and indignation. The expression of both factual and counterfactual desires using present and past subjunctive forms is also similar in both languages. The present forms of the subjunctive express a factual desire, meaning an achievable wish that could be fulfilled in the future. The present subjunctive forms are very often encountered in idiomatic expressions that convey wishes and imprecations. Many similarities are noted between expressions in the two languages, both in terms of structure and in semantics and lexical means. The use of present subjunctive forms is not typical for expressing counterfactual wishes (unrealizable or difficult to achieve) but occurs in specific contexts. Wishes expressed through past subjunctive forms are counterfactual because the circumstances in which they could have been realized are omitted. Such statements convey the speaker's regret regarding an unfulfilled desire. In Romanian grammar, detailed treatment of the uses of the perfect subjunctive is lacking, but it is noted to have optative value. In Bulgarian, counterfactual wishes are expressed using three past tenses of the subjunctive – pluperfect, imperfect, and perfect. In this regard, the capabilities of the perfect subjunctive in Romanian stand out for expressing multiple meanings. With the exception of some meanings of the imperfect subjunctive in Bulgarian, the perfect subjunctive in Romanian can convey nearly all the meanings of the three past tenses in Bulgarian. The study highlights numerous similarities in the use of the subjunctive in Romanian and Bulgarian in optative sentences, offering observations that contribute to a deeper understanding of this mood within the field of Romanian, Bulgarian, and Balkan linguistics.


Author Biographies

Boryana Emiliynova, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Boryana Emiliyanova Mihaylova is Assistant Professor at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Her research interests include Romanian language, Bulgarian language, Onomastics.


Silvia Mihăilescu, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Silvia Mihăilescu is Assistant Professor at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Her research interests include Romanian language, Bulgarian language, Theory and Practice of Translation.



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How to Cite

Emiliynova, B., & Mihăilescu, S. (2024). Considerații privind valoarea de optativ a conjunctivului românesc și bulgăresc în propoziții independente: Insights on the optative value of subjunctive in independent clauses in Romanian and Bulgarian. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 7(2), 164–176.