Figuras del exilio rumano con proyección europea: Ciorănescu, Eliade, Vișniec. El caso de Mircea Eliade

Figures of Romanian exile with European projection: Ciorănescu, Eliade, Vișniec. The case of Mircea Eliade




Romania, diaries, literary and scientific contributions, Mircea Eliade , exile


Within the framework of the Seminar ”Romanian Exile and Migration: Cultural Representations in Europe”, the aim of this work is to illustrate, through the diaries of Mircea Eliade, the reasons and circumstances in which the Romanian writer and historian of religions leaves his country, the different stages and destinations of his exile, the literary and scientific contributions made by him in this context, as well as the reflections that the author makes about his own situation and about this phenomenon.

Author Biography

Alba Diz Villanueva, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Alba Diz Villanueva is an Assistant Professor PhD in the Department ERFITeI from the Complutense University of Madrid. She earned a PhD in Literary Studies from Complutense University of Madrid with the doctoral dissertation “The urban space in the work of Mircea Cărtărescu: history and metaphor”. Her research interests lie mainly in the fields of Hispano-American and Romanian literature and the relation between literature and urban space. She has published various papers, books and book chapters in thematic volumes. She has also attended many national and international conferences, congresses and seminars. She is a member of the Complutense research groups named “Traveling around the city. Literary and artistic representations of urban space” and “Poetics of Modernity” and editor of the Revista de Filología Románica (Journal of Romance Philology).


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How to Cite

Diz Villanueva, A. (2023). Figuras del exilio rumano con proyección europea: Ciorănescu, Eliade, Vișniec. El caso de Mircea Eliade: Figures of Romanian exile with European projection: Ciorănescu, Eliade, Vișniec. The case of Mircea Eliade. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 312–322.