Assessing the communication needs of parents of children with cancer - semantic, grammatical and psychological analyses




parents, cancer, child, communication, psycholinguistics


The objective of the present study is to evaluate the communication needs of the parents of children with cancer from the perspective of the semantic values of the morphological units used and integrated into sentence structures or sentence segments (with response status to open questions) and from the perspective of the factual analysis of the percentages of closed questions. We believe that the results we have reached, processed with interdisciplinary tools of psycholinguistics, morphology, syntax and semantics of the Romanian language and psychological analysis, can provide data that can contribute to the identification of the best strategies for ensuring emotional well-being and increasing the quality of life of families where there is a child with cancer.

Author Biographies

Elisabeta Nita, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Romania

Elisabeta Niță is a Doctor in Psychology, a psychologist at the Fundeni Clinical Institute and a mathematics teacher at the Hospital School of the Fundeni Clinical Institute and Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu Oncological Institute in Bucharest. She examined the state of modern clinical psycho-oncology research in developed countries and the evidence provided to practice, in order to synthesize and take valuable things from their expertise. At the same time, working with Romanian oncology patients, she sought to assume the role of a new generator of evidence, important for the members of the care team, through a better knowledge of this population, and their needs.

Maria-Magdalena Jianu, UNATC “I.L.Caragiale” Bucharest

Maria-Magdalena Jianu is a university professor, carrying out didactic activities at master's and postgraduate levels. The fields of competence are morphology, syntax, lexicology, etymology, communication, and didactics of the speciality. She published over forty articles, fourteen studies and collections/auxiliaries for course and seminar activities. She attended national and international congresses and conferences, being a member of the scientific committees of international scientific events, a scientific referent of some specialized works and publications and of the didactics of the speciality. She was a member of the college admissions committees, the undergraduate and dissertation committees, the doctorate committees, the committees for the awarding of the teaching degree in education, member of the committees for the occupation of teaching positions in higher education (assistant, lecturer, associate professor, professor). In parallel with her teaching activities, she was president of five editions of national student competitions, associate researcher at the Romanian Institute for Human Rights, and member of the scientific committee of the activities of the Summer University for Human Rights. She is a member of the National Council of Scholarships for Studies Abroad, from the Ministry of Education, in the juries established at the national level for international student mobility, in the commissions for evaluating the activity of researchers from the Accademia di Romania in Rome and the Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica from Venice. She volunteers within the PAVEL Association, carrying out therapy activities through reading and literary writing with children suffering from cancer, hospitalized at the Bucharest Oncological Institute.


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How to Cite

Nita, E., & Jianu, M.-M. (2023). Assessing the communication needs of parents of children with cancer - semantic, grammatical and psychological analyses. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 202–215.