„Bucegiștii”. Vacanțele în munți ale familiei Urechia: construcția unei filiații literare

“Bucegiștii”. Urechia family mountain holidays: building a literary affiliation


  • Ligia Tudurachi Romanian Academy, “Sextil Pușcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0243-3593




travel memorial, Bucegi, heterotopia, filiation, genealogical forms, political formalism, legend, collection


Focusing on a family of writers that of V.A. Urechiă and his sons, Nestor and Alceu, the article aims at a comparative analysis of the family's sociability that they develop in the summers spent at their villas in Câmpina and Sinaia, with expeditions in the Bucegi Mountains, and the literature that feeds on these expeditions. Beyond the opportunity offered by the writings of the Urechiă family, we wish to observe the production and efficiency of genealogical forms (Georges Didi-Huberman); the stake of such an approach comes from its historical situation. The moment of founding the Urechia family coincides with the founding of the Romanian culture and nation, making the investigation of their mountain expeditions, genealogical issues, and literary forms gain a political weight with an accent on the nation rather than on the family itself.

Author Biography

Ligia Tudurachi, Romanian Academy, “Sextil Pușcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca

Ligia Tudurachi, researcher at the Institute of Linguistics and Literary History Sextil Pușcariu (The Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca) and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She has published two volumes so far: Cuvintele care ucid. Memorie literară în romanele lui E. Lovinescu/ Words that kill. Literary memory in the novels of E. Lovinescu  (Cluj-Napoca, 2010) and Grup Sburător. Trăitul și scrisul împreună în cenaclul lui E. Lovinescu/ Sburător group. Living and writing together in the cenacle of E. Lovinescu (Timișoara, 2019). She collaborated with texts in several collective volumes in Romania and abroad: Storia, identità e canoni letterari (Florența, 2012); Littérature et document autour de 1930. Hétérogénéité et hybridation générique (Rennes, 2014); Innesti e ibridazioni tra spazi culturali (Florența, 2015); Dus-întors. Rute ale teoriei literare în postmodernitate/ Two way. Routes of literary theory în postmodernity (București, 2016); Enciclopedia imaginariilor din România. Vol. I: Imaginar literar/ Encyclopedia of imaginaries from Romania. Vol. I: Literary Imaginary (Iași, 2021). She has published articles in several Romanian and International academic journals, such as: COnTEXTES, Licorne, Romania Orientale, Slovo a smysl, Caietele Echinox, Transylvanian Review, Philologica Jassyensia, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Philologia, Dacoromania litteraria, Transilvania, Euresis, etc.


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How to Cite

Tudurachi, L. (2022). „Bucegiștii”. Vacanțele în munți ale familiei Urechia: construcția unei filiații literare: “Bucegiștii”. Urechia family mountain holidays: building a literary affiliation. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 41–68. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v5i1.23898