Morphological and syntactical aspects of Romanian/ English codeswitching




bilingualism, codeswitching, morphological integration, word order


This paper examines the grammatical structure of Romanian/ English codeswitching in the speech of a ten-year-old bilingual child. The analyzed data set consists of single-word switches and phrases, the main focus of the paper being the morphological integration of these English elements in Romanian and the relations they establish with their larger syntactic environment. Using the principles of the Matrix Language Frame model developed by Myers-Scotton (2002, 2006), we show that the structural integrity of Romanian is maintained during codeswitching, and that the English material is used according to the rules imposed by the Romanian grammar. Although Romanian inflectional morphology is often absent on switched words and phrases, the placement of these elements in the grammatical frame of the sentence follows matrix language specifications and word order; moreover, function words in mixed constituents, such as determiners and prepositions, tend to come from Romanian.

Author Biography

Arina Greavu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Arina Greavu is Assistant Professor at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where she teaches Business English. She received a PhD in Philology in 2009 from Babes Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca with the doctoral dissertation Recent Anglicisms in Romanian. Evolution and Integration. Her research interests lie mainly in the fields of Language contact and Bilingualism, and she has published various articles on the contact between English and Romanian.


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How to Cite

Greavu, A. (2022). Morphological and syntactical aspects of Romanian/ English codeswitching . Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(2), 191–220.