The sea and its national avatar in Romanian Romantic literature: from the Small to the Great Union




The Black Sea, Romantic poetry, national identity, the Balkans, the Forty-Eighters


The following paper analyses the emergence of an imaginary of the sea in Romanian Romantic poetry. As Dobrudja and the Black Sea were integrated into the Romanian state rather late, after the War of Independence, it is not until the 19th century that we can speak of a visible literary and cultural presence of the sea, in particular of the Black Sea. A 'mare nostrum' of the Ottoman Empire for most of the mediaeval and modern period, the Black Sea is assimilated into the national imaginary mainly due to Vasile Alecsandri's re-imagining its space from the perspective of ancient history and a translatio imperii to the East. Through Ovid and his cultural legacy, Romania and Romanians are symbolically viewed as the descendants of the Roman Empire in the backward, orientalized Balkans. Though not writing in particular about the Black Sea, Dimitrie Bolintineanu's collection “Florile Bosforului”[The flowers of the Bosphorus] introduces the image of the sea as the exotic Other. Mihai Eminescu, whose unconscious image of the sea overlaps with that of his native forest lakes, takes over the national idea from Alecsandri, and in “Doină” [A doina], circumscribes the national borders to the Black Sea and the Dniester.

Author Biography

Roxana Elena Doncu, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest

Roxana Elena Doncu is currently Lecturer in English at the Modern Languages Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. Her research interests cover areas such as postcolonial and post-communist studies, world literature, translation studies and medical humanities. She is a member of the international research group on Literary Modelling at University Kliment Ohridski in Sofia and the University of Münster, where she has been invited to teach at the graduate school on British, American and Postcolonial Studies. She has translated over fifteen books from Russian, English and German.


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How to Cite

Doncu, R. E. (2022). The sea and its national avatar in Romanian Romantic literature: from the Small to the Great Union. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(2), 84–100.