Insuportabila versatilitate a modernismului

The unbearable versatility of modernism




modernism, language crisis, status of knowledge, modernist novelty, anti-literature


This article aims to investigate the specifics of modernism by identifying several critical moments in intellectual history that are symptoms of significant tendencies in Western literature. In the absence of viable delimitations that would give modernism the status of a literary movement, the specificity of this literary-artistic period can be depicted by dwelling in the field of ideas that shaped a common way of conceiving human existence. The issue of the newness, around which the idea of modernity is built, summarizes a whole socio-cultural process that involves attitudes moving between the fascination and the anxiety of change. Considering these two perspectives towards the metamorphoses of the age in which writers lived with enthusiasm or drama, one can identify a conception of the condition of knowledge in a developing world. The social aspects, the individual identity, the established moral and religious principles, and the possibilities of creation are subjected to interrogation and therefore cause the tensions that irrigate modernist works.

Author Biography

Diana Stroescu, The “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology Iasi

Diana Stroescu, Researcher Assistant (RA) in the Department of Literary History, A. Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology (The Romanian Academy – Iași Branch), contributor to the project Encyclopedia of Romanian Memory Writing. Her research areas include history of literature, intellectual history, hermeneutics. She also holds the position of Teaching Assistant, delivers seminars and assists the lead professor with instructional responsibilities for the subject Old and Pre-modern Romanian Literature.


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How to Cite

Stroescu, D. (2022). Insuportabila versatilitate a modernismului: The unbearable versatility of modernism. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 23–40.