Romanul misterelor în literatura română a secolului al XIX-lea - o pagină de istorie literară uitată -

The mystery novel in the nineteenth-century Romanian literature – a forgotten piece of literary history –




the mystery novel, nineteenth-century, popular culture, Romanian literature


The following study looks into the history of a minimally studied Romanian literary form: the mystery novel. The particular aspects that define this subgenre are illustrated by the prose of Ioan M. Bujoreanu, entitled Mistere din București. The nineteenth-century Romanian literature is characterized by a tremendous expansion, particularly when we consider the general development of the novel. The first novels available in Romanian are translations from French literature, most of them very successful books belonging to the popular culture of that time. Following the French model, the Romanian authors created similar novels in which the most important elements were the extraordinary, the intrigue and the sensational situations that were meant to attract a very large public. Analyzing these numerous novels, most of them forgotten today, and trying to classify them we observe that the Romanian literary frame is very diverse. We can identify certain types such as the outlaw, the woman, the criminal or the mystery novel, all of them being eclectic proses. Of all the genres belonging to popular literature, the mystery novel stands out for its preoccupation and openness to illustrating the nineteenth-century social aspects. This type of novel succeeds to capture the literary style and the particular elements embedded in the first novelist writings. One of the most prominent writers who managed to incorporate an image of nineteenth-century society into his novel is Ioan M. Bujoreanu. He creates a very realistic scene of that time by observing the human condition, condemning the injustices of aristocrats against the Romanian peasants and closely describing the city of Bucharest down to the most minute detail. His novel demonstrates the importance of the mystery novel in the nineteenth-century Romanian popular writings which is a sociological one as well as a documentary one.

Author Biography

Manuela-Gabriela Ursu, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Manuela-Gabriela Tican (Ursu) received a BA in Pihology and an MA degree in Romanian Literature and Literary Hermeneutics at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, where she is currently a second-year PhD. student. Her thesis focuses on the subject of the Romanian detective novel between the nineteenth-century and the interwar period. She is also a primary school teacher at Nicolae Iorga Secondary School of Iași, so education is among her main interests. She is a former member of the ELTeC-ROM project The popular novel and its subgenres in nineteenth-century Romanian literature: digital editing and computer-assisted literary corpus analysis, acronym POP-LITE, code PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0127 within the European Literary Text Collection, produced by the CA16204 "Distant Reading for European Literary History" (2017-2021). Her research interests include literary criticism, critical theory, cultural studies, literary history, sociology of literature and English and Romanian studies. During her PhD studies, she participated with papers linked to her thesis research in numerous conferences and colloquia such as the Aesthetic languages Colloquium The arts in defence of man (Iași 2020), the International Conference of PhD Students and Young Doctors (Târgu-Mureș, December 2021), the International Conference of the LSP Unit Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania (November 2021).


Referințe primare

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How to Cite

Ursu, M.-G. (2022). Romanul misterelor în literatura română a secolului al XIX-lea - o pagină de istorie literară uitată -: The mystery novel in the nineteenth-century Romanian literature – a forgotten piece of literary history –. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 5(1), 69–84.