Pentru o istorie a P.E.N. Club-ului Român: 3

For a History of the Romanian P.E.N. Club: 3




Romanian PEN Club, Marcu Beza, Emanoil Bucuţa, World War I and after


The article, actually a would-be 3rd chapter of an intended piece of literary history, aims at retrieving, based on novel documents and on our own individual research, other defining moments in the history of the Romanian PEN Club, i.e. the activity with a view to consolidation in the years right after WWI. The recuperated sequences are integrated within the enlarged historical, political, social and cultural context of the time. The figure of Marcu Beza, the Romanian Anglicist and diplomat in London in the 1920s, is in close-up, together with that of Emanoil Bucuţa, the Secretary of the Romanian P.E.N in its first decade of activity, due to their determination in engaging Romanian writers in the emergent circuit of democratic values specific to western societies.

Author Biography

Dan Horatiu Popescu, Partium Christian University, Oradea

Dan Horatiu Popescu received an MA in Romanian and English from Oradea College of Higher Education, 1982. He holds a Ph.D. in Poetics and Stylistics from Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 2005. Since 2008, he is an Associate Professor at Partium Christian University in Oradea. He is the author of a book, editor of four books, and translator of six works – i.e. Linda Hutcheon’s A Poetics of Postmodernism, 2002, and Brian McHale's Postmodernist Fiction, 2009. He obtained grants from the Salzburg Seminar (July 1993, September 1997), CEU in Budapest (March 2003, March 2007), the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University (June-July 2003), EAAS (July-August 2003, the University of London), and ESSE (August 2016, the National Library of Scotland). D. H. Popescu is a Co-convener at EAAS conferences (Nicosia 2006, The Hague 2014), and ESSE conferences (Torino 2010, Istanbul 2012, Kosice 2014, Brno 2018).


A Solemn Hour & Seeing Through the Skin, 8 nov. 1924, clip de presă din The Daily Graphic. București: Arhiva Marcu Beza – Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă.

Bradbrook, B.R. (1960). Letters to England from Karel Čapek. In The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 39, No. 92 (Dec. 1910), 61-72.

Bucuța, E. (1934) P.E.N. CLUBUL ROMÂN / THE ROMANIAN P.E.N. CLUB. In Boabe de Grâu, (Anul V), nr. 5, 284-300.

Bucuța, E. (1924) Scrisori către Marcu Beza / Letters to Marcu Beza – 26 ianuarie, 19 iulie 1924. București: Arhiva Marcu Beza, Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă.

Cârneci, M. (2017). PEN Internațional – PEN România la aniversare / Romanian PEN Club Anniversary, In Observator Cultural. Accesat la 12.05.2017.

Lawn, M. (ed.) (2009) Modelling the Future: exhibitions and the materiality of education. Oxford: Symposium Books Ltd.

Pârvan, V. (1924) Scrisoare către Marjorie Scott / Letter to Marjorie Scott, 30 aprilie 1924, Arhiva P.E.N. International.

Popescu, D.H. (2019) Pentru o istorie a P.E.N. Club-ului Român: 1 / For a History of the Romanian PEN Club: 1. In Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies, Volume 10, No 1, 63-74.

Popescu, D.H. (2019) Pentru o istorie a P.E.N. Club-ului Român: 2 / For a History of the Romanian PEN Club: 2. In Analele Universității din Oradea. Fascicula Limba și Literatura Română, 203-215.

Protopopescu, D. (1924) Scrisoare către Marjorie Scott / Letter to Marjorie Scott, 1 decembrie 1924, Arhiva P.E.N. International.

R., L. (1923) P.E.N., 16 noiembrie 1923, clip de presă, sursă neidentificată. București: Arhiva Marcu Beza, Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă.

Titulescu, N. (1924) Scrisoare către Marjorie Scott / Letter to Marjorie Scott, 7 iunie 1924, Arhiva P.E.N. International.




How to Cite

Popescu, D. H. (2021). Pentru o istorie a P.E.N. Club-ului Român: 3: For a History of the Romanian P.E.N. Club: 3. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4(1), 38–49.