Expresivitatea limbajului popular în romanul haiducesc „Iancu Jianu, zapciu de plasă” și „Iancu Jianu, căpitan de haiduci” de Nicolae D. Popescu

The expressivity of popular language in the hajduk novels ”Iancu Jianu, Head of Administration” and ”Iancu Jianu, Captain of the Hajduks” by Nicolae D. Popescu


  • Ileana Manuela Rat “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu




Literature, Language, Slang, Outlaw, Stylistic.


This paper analyzes the expressivity of popular language from the novels ”Iancu Jianu, Head of Administration” and ”Iancu Jianu, Captain of the Hajduks” by N.D. Popescu. The popular language is a language specific aspect, a language version and a main component of the oral version of the national language. In literary works, the popular language has a stylistic purpose. The aesthetic value of the text is the result of the process by which the expressiveness of the writer`s language is converted into an individual literary rule. The stylistic processes and brands encountered in popular language are national specific and they reflect the history, the way of thinking and the feelings of Romanian people. The popular language implies the release of constraints and limitations imposed by national language standard. I have chosen this study because it is an important matter that was not explored in Romanian hajduk novels and hajduk short fiction (novella, short-story, and tale).

Author Biography

Ileana Manuela Rat, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

Ileana Manuela Raț (married Bălan) graduated in Philology at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu in 2007. Her languages are Romanian (A), English (B) and French (C). She has been working as a Romanian and English teacher in several elementary schools and a high school in Mediaș, Sibiu County. During her professional career as a teacher, she attended various training courses: Educational Management, Class Management, and Innovative Strategies for Teaching Optional Discipline – Debate, Oratory, Rhetoric, Interdisciplinary Approach of Content of Cross – Linking in Pre-Academic Education, Working Techniques with the Book, Health and Environmental Education. Currently she is attending Ph.D. courses at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.


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How to Cite

Rat, I. M. (2021). Expresivitatea limbajului popular în romanul haiducesc „Iancu Jianu, zapciu de plasă” și „Iancu Jianu, căpitan de haiduci” de Nicolae D. Popescu: The expressivity of popular language in the hajduk novels ”Iancu Jianu, Head of Administration” and ”Iancu Jianu, Captain of the Hajduks” by Nicolae D. Popescu. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4(1), 210–227. https://doi.org/10.35824/sjrs.v4i1.22407