Intertexte et métathéâtre dans les pièces d’inspiration tchékhovienne de Matéi Visniec / Intertext and metatheatre in Matéi Visniec’s plays inspired by A. P. Chekhov’s dramatic works




intertextual; poetics; metatheatre; Visniec; Chekhov;


Beyond their psychological realism and questionable symbolism, some of A. P. Chekhov’s plays also manifest a self-referential and metadramatic/ metadramaturgical component of implicit theatrical po(i)etics. This is an aspect rather ignored by Chekhov’s critics and linked to the crisis which, according to Peter Szondi, occurs in European drama around 1880. Matéi Visniec draws attention to it and exploits it in his own creation, in plays such as La machine Tchékhov” [The Chekhov Machine], “Nina ou De la fragilité des mouettes empaillées” [Nina or About the Fragility of Stuffed Seagulls], in close connection with the postmodern preference for intertextual and self-referential writing.

Author Biography

Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, "Vasile Alecsandri" University, Bacău, Romania

Nicoleta Popa Blanariu teaches comparative literature at the University "Vasile Alecsandri". Her interests in research include world and comparative literature, comparative intercultural studies, intermediality, visual semiotics and performance studies. She is an editorial member of "Southern Semiotic Review" (, Sydney, Australia, and also of "Studii și cercetări ştiinţifice – seria filologie" (, Bacău. She has published articles in Romanian, French and English, three single-authored and seven co-authored books. She co-translated Patrice Pavis's Dictionnaire du théâtre as Dictionar de teatru (with Florinela Floria, 2012). Among her books: Când gestul rupe tăcerea. Dansul şi paradigmele comunicării [When the Gesture Breaks the Silence: Dancing and the Paradigms of Communication] (Iaşi: Fides, 2008); Când literatura comparată pretinde că se destramă. Studii şi eseuri, 2 vol. [When comparative literature pretends to be falling apart. Studies and essays, I: "Invariants, an Ariadne's Thread?", II: "(Inter)text and (Meta)performance"] (Bucureşti: Eikon, 2016). Among her most recent papers: "A Mythological Approach to Transmedia Storytelling” (The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies, New York and London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2019), with Dan Popa; "Towards a Pragma-Semiotics of Ritual(ized) Gesture and Performance" (Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 2019); «Le signe agissant. D'une sémiologie de la mimesis vers une pragmatique de la performance» (SIGNA: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, 2017); "Transmedial Prometheus: from the Greek Myth to Contemporary Interpretations" (Icono 14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 2017); "Paradigms of Communication in Performance and Dance Studies" (CLCweb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2015); "Towards a Framework of a Semiotics of Dance" (CLCweb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2013).


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How to Cite

Popa Blanariu, N. (2020). Intertexte et métathéâtre dans les pièces d’inspiration tchékhovienne de Matéi Visniec / Intertext and metatheatre in Matéi Visniec’s plays inspired by A. P. Chekhov’s dramatic works . Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 3(1), 104–115.