Probleme deschise de fenomenologia lui Husserl prin prisma integrării sale în modelul ontologic informaţional propus de Mihai Drăgănescu

Problems started by Husserl’s phenomenology in terms of its integration into ontological informational model proposed by Mihai Drăgănescu


  • Gorun Manolescu Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romanian Academy



lived experience; intentionality; noema; consciousness; constitution; reelle; realität; wirklichkeit


Abstract: May another reality exist so as to generate our physical world? Both Mihai Drăgănescu and Edmund Husserl said yes. But there is a main difference between those two approaches. So, Romanian scholar Mihai Drăgănescu proposed an ontological model with strong phenomenological character in which information and material principles are at the same level. Instead Husserl proposed an idealist (transcendental) solution. In this respect Drăgănescu’s model seems to be more general and consistent. Also Mihai Drăgănescu says that Husserl’s Phenomenology can be integrated in his model. But for this some problems appeared. Our present work is dedicated to identifying such problems. In subsequent material we will analyze how these problems can be solved.


Author Biography

Gorun Manolescu, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romanian Academy

Gorun Manolescu, Ph D, is Senior Researcher. Author of 4 books in different domains (Abordarea ierarhic structurată şi informatica, 1985; Eseu despre sursele adevăratei cunoaşteri în logica Budistă, 2006; Dincolo de ironie şi ironism plecând de la discuţii virtual cu unii clasici de marcă ai PoMo, 2010; Fragmentarium,  2020) and more than 300 studies and scientific articles at home and abroad.

His research interests focus on IT in general, phenomenology and Artificial Intelligence, epistemology, and the intersection between occidental culture and extreme-oriental culture.

He is titular member in Romanian Academy Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, and editor in chief and founding member of Romanian Academy NOEMA journal.


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How to Cite

Manolescu, G. (2020). Probleme deschise de fenomenologia lui Husserl prin prisma integrării sale în modelul ontologic informaţional propus de Mihai Drăgănescu: Problems started by Husserl’s phenomenology in terms of its integration into ontological informational model proposed by Mihai Drăgănescu. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 3(1), 218–240.