Artur Rega: „Omul în lumea simbolurilor. Antropologia filozofică a lui Mircea Eliade” / Artur Rega: "Man in the World of Symbols. Philosophical Anthropology of Mircea Eliade"


  • Magdalena Filary University of Craiova, Romania



hermeneutics, antropology, exegesis, sacred and profane, symbolism


The Polish exegesis of Mircea Eliade's work has grown after 1989 through monographs and studies devoted entirely to hermeneutics that the historian and phenomenologist of religions imposes on the sciences dealing with the study of sacredness, of religious phenomena and related symbolism. The book Man in the world of symbols. Philosophical anthropology of Mircea Eliade by Artur Rega is among them.


Bronk, A. (1988). Człowiek – dzieje – sacrum – religia / Man – history – sacred – religion [în:] Mircea Eliade, Historia wierzeń i idei religijnych /History of beliefs and religious ideas, traducere de Stanisław Tokarski, vol. 1. Varşovia: Editura PAX.

Czerwiński, M. (1988). Przyczynki do antropologii współczesnej / Contributions to contemporary anthropology. Varşovia: Editura PWN.

Eliade, M. (1969). The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion, Chicago, Editura University of Chicago.

Eliade, M. (1990). Încercarea labirintului / Ordeal by Labirynth, traducere de Doina Cornea. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia.

Eliade, M. (1992). Sacrul şi profanul / The Sacred and the Profane, traducere din limba franceză de Rodica Chira. Bucureşti: Editura Humanitas.

Eliade, M. (1999). Sacrum i profanum. O istocie religijności / The Sacred and the Profane. The Nature of Religion, traducere de Robert Reszke. Varşovia: Editura Aletheia.

Eliade, M. (2005). Tratat de istorie a religiilor / Treaty on the history of religons, cu o Prefaţă de Georges Dumézil şi un Cuvânt înainte al autorului, traducere de Mariana Noica, ediţia a IV-a. Bucureşti: Editura Humanitas.

Rega, A. (2001). Człowiek w świecie symboli. Antropologia filozoficzna Mircei Eliadego / Man in the world of symbols. Philosophical anthropology of Mircea Eliade. Cracovia: Nomos.

Rega, A. (2009). Człowiek w świecie symboli. Antropologia filozoficzna Mircei Eliadego / Man in the world of symbols. Philosophical anthropology of Mircea Eliade. Cracovia: Editura Nomos.




How to Cite

Filary, M. (2018). Artur Rega: „Omul în lumea simbolurilor. Antropologia filozofică a lui Mircea Eliade” / Artur Rega: "Man in the World of Symbols. Philosophical Anthropology of Mircea Eliade". Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 1(1), 179–183.