Call for papers vol. 8, no. 1 / 2025. 


The Editorial Board of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies invites you to submit articles for publication in vol. 8, no. 1 / 2025. 

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies (Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University / Centre for the Research of the Imaginary "Speculum", "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia / Complutense University of MadridRomanian Language Institute, Bucharest) publishes studies about Romanian language, literature, translations studies, visual arts and performing arts, cultural studies, anthropology, education, history as well as research seminars and reviews of works within these fields. It welcomes articles that focus on case studies, as well as methodological and / or theoretical issues.

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies is a well-established forum for scholars which sets international high quality standards and encourages original and relevant research. The journal accepts papers written in Romanian or English, as well as in French, Italian, Spanish and German.

The manuscripts must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The evaluation of the papers will be done with respect to the subject’s relevance for the research field, the originality of ideas, methodology and structural organization and clarity.

Important dates:

  • Submission of manuscript: December 31st, 2024;
  • Result of review process: February, 15th, 2025;
  • Submission of the revised manuscript (if necessary): March 15th, 2025;
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection of manuscript: April1st, 2025;
  • Journal publishing: May, 15th, 2025.