Till konstruktionen av Östergyllen


  • Patrik Lundell


To the Making of Östergyllen The travel book image of Östergötland from Enlightenment and Romanticism This article describes and analyses the travel book image of the province of Östergötland from Enlightenment to Romanticism (ca 1740–1860). The travel book genre grew considerably during the period at issue, wherefore one, with some simplification, can say that the image of Östergötland, as that of the rest of Sweden, was then constructed. The utilitarian ideals of the 18th century exercised considerable power over what the traveller actually saw. Östergötland thus became synonymous with the cultivated flat land. With the appreciation of mountains and forests in the beginning of the 19th century Östergötland was re-coded. The enlightened utilitarian view was however usually incorporated with the Romantic one. Göta kanal, inaugurated in 1832, involved a route almost perpendicular to the previous one; thus they literally travelled through another landscape, and Östergötland once again was related to as a typical flat land. The new route, among other things, led to the enchanting discovery of the archipelago. The canal, furthermore, was regarded as a modern equivalent to the works of ancient Rome, and as such it provided the province prestige. The two ideals still co-existed, and thus the canal was appreciated both for its picturesque beauty and utility. Norrköping, the largest city in the province, increasingly gained reputation as a modern city, as the Birmingham of Sweden. The second largest city, Linköping, was, in particular during the 18th century, renowned as the ecclesiastical centre of learning, one of the foremost in the country. During the beginning of the 19th century the city was given the pet name ”little Stockholm”, due to its prosperous social life and public entertainments. During the 19th century the province was increasingly loaded with history, and, as it happened, Östergötland, the home of the old Geats (göterna), was to the bursting point filled with memories, in particular medieval ones. At the same time the characterizations of the common people became frequent. These were almost without exception deduced from the history and nature of the province. The inhabitant of Östergötland was, due to the prosperity and freedom of the province, described as conceited, haughty and proud. To be sure the development involved a nuanced conception of the image, but at the same time the clichés and stereotypes were reinforced; the image of Östergötland was constructed. Furthermore, Östergötland was a comparatively appreciated province, and were this appreciation to be explained in one word, it is wealth. With the stereotypes and traditions constructed, the Swede could at the turn of the 19th century look back. The discovery, creation and spreading of the image of the province and its history became a part of the making of the nation.



