Samtalet om Sverige


  • Simon Ekström


The Discussion on Sweden In recent years there have been lots of concerns about the increasing use of culture-speak in the Swedish public sphere. Critics from within the academia have stressed the fact that the use, and abuse, of culture nowadays has become a part, not only of the rhetoric from right-wing parties as Sverigedemokraterna, but in the everyday vocabulary of the media and more moderate parties as well. For many reasons the debate that followed the honour-killing of Fadime Sahindal is considered to be such a flagrant example of the misuse of the concept of culture. From the standpoint of a great deal of those who has commented the debate, this is a clear evidence of how a set of postcolonial assumptions still is a significant part of modern Sweden. But, according to this critic, what is really possible to say about culture, Sweden and those generally understood as the Swedes? And, perhaps even more important, who is able to say what about whom? With these questions in mind, the aim of the article is to discuss some of the paradoxes and dilemmas that seems to be connected with a postcolonial approach. At least with regards to how it is carried out in several recent commentaries on what is going on in Sweden today. As is underlined by the author, this kind of sceptical remarks might be necessary, not to jeopardize the potential of the perspective.



