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Som en del av insändningsprocessen måste författare kryssa för att bidraget uppfyller följande krav. Bidrag som inte uppfyller kraven kan komma att skickas tillbaka till författaren.
  • Bidraget har aldrig publicerats tidigare. Det är inte heller under övervägande hos en annan tidskrift (om så är fallet förklaras det i Kommentarer till redaktören).
  • Den insända filen för bidraget är i något av filformaten OpenOffice, Microsoft Word eller RTF.
  • URL:er har angivits för de referenser där det är möjligt.
  • Texten är satt med enkelt radavstånd, använder 12 punkters typsnittsstorlek, kursiverad text istället för understruken (utom när det gäller URL:er). Alla illustrationer, figurer och tabeller är också inbäddade i texten och inte förlagda till slutet.
  • Texten följer de stilmässiga och bibliografiska regler som beskrivs i Riktlinjer för författare.

Riktlinjer för författare

Submissions guidelines - POPULÄR

POPULÄR – Nordic Journal of Popular Culture Research is an open-acess-online journal that aims to publish academic articles on, among other things, Nordic popular culture: fan culture, comic books, popular novels, popular films, television, radio, popular journalism, print media, the internet, popular art and architecture, popular religious movements, advertising, popular music and video games.

POPULÄR strives for full open access and articles are published in a rolling system. This means that the magazine publishes articles (online) as they come in to the editors.


Script requirements

POPULÄR accepts manuscripts in Scandinavian languages and English on popular culture in a Nordic context.

At the first submission of manuscripts, all possible illustrations, tables and pictures must be left in place in the text. When the manuscript is approved for publication, mark images and tables in the text with "Image / Table [1] here" in the places where your image or table should be in the final manuscript and submit your images as separate files.

The final revised manuscript is sent in digital format to the editors. The manuscript should be sent in an anonymized word document and have easy line spacing in 12-point fonts, and must have a complete bibliography of all the mentioned sources. The editors receive manuscripts in all Scandinavian languages and English. The manuscript should be between 6000 and 9000 words. All articles must be previously unpublished material.


Peer Review

All manuscripts undergo double-blind peer-review process. Blinding a manuscript means removing all references to their name and publications, as well as to the place and participants in your research.

To blind your manuscript, replace your name (and any co-author's name) in the text with references that identify you. For example, if you refer to one of your previously published articles, change the quote "(Askander, 2003)" to "(Author, XXXX)." In the manuscript reference list you do not specify the title of the article, the journal or any other identifying information. For example, if you refer to three of your own publications in the text, you list them as follows in the references:

Author (XXXX) Author (XXXX) Author (XXXX).


Headings and page layout

The headings should follow the following format: The main headings should be in bold. Subheadings should be in italics. If there are more than two heading levels, specify the level, whichever is appropriate


Avoid page layout formatting. The text should be straight in the left margin and unadjusted in the right margin.

The grammar should follow the rules that are customary in the (Scandinavian) language in which the article is written.



All sources must be documented in Chicago Author-Date style according to the Chicago Manual of Style - 16th edition. (Examples of Chicago-author-date-style follow.)

T = Parenthetic text set R = Reference list


T = (Löfgren 2018)

R = Löfgren, Jakob. 2018.... And Death proclaimed 'HAPPY HOGSWATCH TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT': Intertext and Folklore in Discworld fandom. Turku: Turku Academy Press


T = (Herd 2018)
R = Herd, Katarzyna. 2018. That little football girl. Swedish club football and gender

expectations. Ethnologia Scandinavica 48: 123-138


T = (Discworld Emporium 2018)

R = Discworld Emporium. Discworld stamps. (Retrieved April 1, 2018)

For other reference-related questions, see the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.


Summary and Keywords

The abstract of the article should be 100 words and be written in the same language in which the article is written. It should be a brief summary of the main points of the article.

The abstract should be followed by 5-10 keywords.



Use the table function in Word to create any tables.


Pictures and captions

Send a separate EPS, JPEG or TIFF file (600 pixel resolution per inch) in RGB or black and white, as appropriate, for each image. An explanatory caption is a requirement for each image and table.

Notes Use endnotes (not as footnotes). Use your text processor's note function to create your end notes.


Copyrighted material and GDPR

Submit a copy of permission to use copyrighted material, if applicable. Anonymize any informants in the text if you have not written consent for the use of personal names in your article.


Recensioner inom tidskriftens ämnesområde skickas in enl. anvisningar för artiklar, till redaktörerna.


De namn och e-postadresser som används på den här tidskriftens webbplats kommer endast att användas för tidskriftens arbete och inte göras tillgängliga för något annat syfte eller till tredje part.