H. Weimarck: Bidrag till Skånes Flora. 45. Some phytogeographical aspects of the Scanian flora
Olof Andersson: The scanian sand vegetation - a survey
Hugo Sjörs: Regional studies in North Swedish mire vegetation
Åke Persson och Hans Runemark: Some interesting vegetation types on the northern side of Torneträsk
Antero Vaarama: Studies on chromosome numbers and certain meiotic features of several Finnish moss species
Hakon Hjelmqvist: The flax weeds and the origin of cultivated flax
Einar Teiling: Radiation of Desmids, its origin and its consequences as regards taxonomy and nomenclature
The conservation of species names (flera författare)
International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, formulerad av International Botanical Congresses of Vienna. Anmäld av Nils Hylander
Stephensson, Marjory: Bacterial metabolism. Third edition. Anmäld av Sven Algéus
Løddesøl, Aasulv och Lid, Johannes: Myrtyper og Myrplanter. Anmäld av Torsten Håkansson
Strasburger-Koernicke: Das kleine botanische Praktikum für Anfänger. Anmäld av H. Hjelmqvist