Fasc. 2


  • Alf Oredsson
  • Sven Snogerup
  • Mats Gustafsson
  • Per Wendelbo
  • Ilana Hernstadt
  • Chaia C. Heyn
  • Per-Olof Karlström
  • Christopher John Humphries
  • Ulf Olsson


Alf Oredsson och Sven Snogerup: Drawings of Scandinavian Plants 103-104 Epilobium L. Sect. Epilobium Mats Gustafsson och Per Wendelbo: Karyotype Analysis and Taxonomic Comments on Irises from SW and C Asia Ilana Hernstadt och Chaia C. Heyn: A Study of Cachrys Populations in Israel and Its Application to Generic Delimitation Per-Olof Karlström: Asystasia laticapsula (Acanthaceae), a Widely Used but Previously Invalid Name Christopher John Humphries: Cytological Studies in the Macaronesian Genus Argyranthemum (Compositae: Anthemidae) Ulf Olsson: On the Size and Microstructure of Pollen Grains of Quercus robus and Q. petraea (Fagaceae) Ulf Olsson: Oaks With Subentire Leaves from Skåne, Sweden. A New Critical Attempt to Explain Their Origin [BOTANICAL LITERATURE] Ahmadjian, V. och Hale, M. E. (eds): The Lichens. Anmäld av Ove Almborn Henssen, A. och Jahns, H. M.: Lichenes. Eine Enführung in die Flechtenkunde. Anmäld av Ove Almborn Tralau, H. (ed.): Index Holmensis. Anmäld av Rolf Dahlgren [OPERA BOTANICA]



