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Tycho Norlindh: Contributions to the Knowledge of Dimorphotheca montana T. Norl. New varieties and a Discussion of the taxonomical Position of the Species Gunny Larsson: Tetraploid Rubus arcticus, framställd genom colchicinbehandling N. C. Nair & P. N. N. Nambisan: Contribution to the floral morphology and embryologt of Leea sambucina Wild H. Hjelmqvist: Some Notes on the Endosperm and Embryo Development in Fagales and Related Orders Artur Håkansson: Notes on the Giant Chromosomes of Allium nutans Artur Håkansson: Notes on Endosperm Formation in Betula Erik Jaasund: Marine Algae from Northern Norway. II Svend Rungby: On the Variation in Tortula subulata Hedw. Börje Lövkvist: De skandinaviska arterna i Cardamine pratensis-komplexet Kuno Thomasson: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Plankton in Scandinavian Mountain Lakes. 4 Kai Larsen: Cytological Observations on Some Species of Globularia Carl Bliding: Studies in Rhizoclonium. I. Life History of Two Species [LITTERATUR] Olaus Bromelius: Chloris Gothica. Anmäld av H. Hjelmqvist G. Huber-Pestalozzi: Das Phytoplankton des Süsswassers, Systematik und Biologie. Anmäld av Einar Teiling Carolus N. Linnaeus. Örtabok 1725. Anmäld av Axel TörjeDownloads