Elevating Teaching in Computer Science from COVID experiences


  • Anahita Baninajjar
  • Baichuan Huang
  • Peng Kuang
  • Filip Malmberg
  • Marcus Sandberg


COVID-19 Experiences, Computer Science Teaching, Academic Teaching, Flipped-classrooms, Pedagogy in Higher Learning


The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced us to rethink how we do many things. Among the rest of the society, universities and other higher learning institutions also had to make a rapid transition into practices that allowed social distancing. During the pandemic, we have seen that higher learning institutions have been open to change and challenged the traditional way of teaching; this have allowed for both changes that were long waited for and new innovations. By conducting discovery interviews with teachers from multiple countries, we have investigated how we can elevate computer science teaching based on teachers’ experiences during the pandemic. Furthermore, we have provided a few concrete recommendations on how teaching activities can be improved.

