En försumbar arena? Organisationerna och remissväsendet 1964-2009


  • Erik Lundberg


A neglected area? Voluntary orgaisations and the remiss procedure 1964 - 2009

This article investigates how the participation of voluntary organisations in the remiss-procedure has changed between and and how to interpret this. Drawing on evidence from remiss-directories in nine different policy fields, theresults conclude that the proportional level of voluntary organisations has declined and more organisations have chosen to abstain from participating in the remissprocedure. In addition, the number of conflict-oriented organisations has declined while the number of consensus-oriented organisations active in the output side of the political system has increased. It is argued that the result can be understood in relation to the changing mode of governance, new challenges presented by the welfare state and the rise of transnational organisations that seek influence in less formal arenas for policy making.



